

Oncoepidemiologic situation on the territory of the Kaluga region 10 years after the Chernobyl accident

Title: Oncoepidemiologic situation on the territory of the Kaluga region 10 years after the Chernobyl accident
Author: Ivanov V.K., Nilova E.V., Efendiev V.A.*, Gorsky A.I., Pitkevich V.A., Leshakov S.Y.*, Shiryaev V.I.
Reference:”Questions of oncology”1997 vol.43, No.2
Abstract: Medical Radiological Research Centre of RAMS, Obninsk; * – Department of Health, Administration of Kaluga Region, Kaluga Cancer morbidity and mortality has been studied in the contaminated areas of the Kaluga region. The objective of the study was to evaluate to what extent the radiation factor has influenced the existing levels of cancer morbidity and mortality. Analysis was performed of standardized ratios of cancer incidence and mortality and corresponding population risks. The conclusion based on the analysis suggests that the current incidence rates of malignant neoplasms in the population of the studied areas affected by the Chernobyl accident were formed under the influence of a number of factors which showed themselves before the accident. Of particular concern are the trends noticed in oncoepidemiologic processes in the Uly-anovsky district of the region. Thus far no statistically reliable effect of the radiation factor on cancer incidence (except thyroid cancer in the female population of the contaminated areas) has been detected. The cancer morbidity and mortality in the contaminated areas are largely in agreement with the general indicators throughout the region. By and large the drawn conclusion is consistent with data of the world practice on latent periods in inducing radiogenic cancers and extent of biological effects for the irradiation levels to which the population on the contaminated areas is exposed.
URL: http://refereed.ru/ref_810b5710d655a3c837fb6cf8d098fe88.html

Dynamics of the population (population transition) of the Kaluga region before and after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Author: Pisarenko, Taras Sergeyevich

Reference: thesis 03.00.16

Keywords: Environment

Abstract: The purpose of the present work is to study the dynamics of mortality in the Kaluga region for the period 1950 to 2002, of people living in conditions of chronic exposure to artificial radionuclides.

Research objectives: to characterize the radioecological situation in the Kaluga region before and after the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, to identify the dynamics of mortality of different age-sex groups in the rural and urban population before and after the accident, to determine the significance of various classes of causes of death of people in the total structure of mortality in the human population, to compare the dynamics of mortality by cause of death in the human population with the dynamics of radioactive contamination of the atmosphere…

URL: http://earthpapers.net/dinamika-chislennosti-naseleniya-kaluzhskoy-oblasti-do-i-posle-avarii-na-chernobylskoy-aes




Author: Drynova N.N., Vlasov O.K., Schukin N.V., Ivanov V.K.

Reference: Radiation and Lisk  2009 vol.18 No.4

Keywords: attributable risk,  solid cancers,  inhabitants of the Kaluga oblast

Abstract: Prognosis of induction of radiation related solid cancers in population of the Kaluga oblast was made with the use of UNSCEAR model. It was found that the increase in the rate of all solid cancers could be up to 1 %. Calculated and actual data of the National Radiation and Epidemiological Registry were in good agreement. The contribution of radiation to increase of the rate of breast cancer in young women can be up to 4 %.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/otdalennye-radiologicheskie-posledstviya-avarii-na-chernobylskoy-aes-dlya-naseleniya-kaluzhskoy-oblasti-solidnye-raki

Echo of Chernobyl: Thyroid cancer

Reference: 25 April, 2010

Keywords: registry of the Russian government

Abstract: The echo of the Chernobyl, after 20 years, disaster resulted in a dramatic increase of thyroid cancer. For the inhabitants of Byansk, Tuly, Kaluzh and Orlov regions, the Russian government provides special Chernobyl registry: they can take interview of the thyroid gland.

URL: http://www.1tv.ru/prj/zdorovie/vypusk/4202

Research on dose dependence of non-oncologic diseases of the thyroid gland for inhabitants of the Kaluzhsk region, exposed to radionuclide iodine in their childhood due to the Chernobyl accident

Author: V.K. Ivanov, S.Yu. Chekin, M.A. Maksyutov, O.K. Vlasov, A.I. Gorsky, N.V. Shukina, N.N. Tatatorkina

Reference: «Радиация и риск» (Radiation and Risk), 2006

Keywords: improved dosimeter, different age groups, various thyroid diseases

Abstract: In the current work improved (more accurate) methodology of evaluating dose on the thyroid gland is introduced, by the help of direct radiometry developed in the Medical Radiological Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Data on low-contaminated areas of the Kaluzhsk region is available. Evaluation of radiation risks for thyroid cancer, for the cohort exposed in its childhood in 1986 (2005 people), is implemented. In children, aged 2-4 at that time, who lived in the Ulyanovsk, Khvatovichsk and Zhindrinsk districts, severe radiation risk for the thyroid gland is detected (ERR/Гр=7,14, p<0,025). Children, aged 5-10, from the same region, show important risk for aggregate of the cysts of the thyroid gland and its nodal diseases (ERR/Гр=12,02, p<0,05). In the examined cohort, the probability of radiation factors being the cause of the current diseases is not less than 23 %.

URL: http://www.nrer.ru/radrisk_2006.html
