
The state of health of liquidators according to RSMDR (Russian State Medical Dosimetric Registry): dynamics of disease and its nosological structure

Author: AP Biryukov, SI Ivanov, NE Meskikh, ZG Kruglov

Reference: Радиация и риск (Radiation and Risk): 1999 Issue no. 11

Keywords: liquidators

Abstract: The present work is related to the first-discovered diseases among the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, for the period between 1991 and 1996. Analyses on incidences were conducted for the basic classes of diseases among the liquidators, from different regions in Russia, in comparison with identical diseases of the non-exposed population of Russia.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sostoyanie-zdorovya-likvidatorov-po-dannym-rgmdr-dinamika-zabolevaemosti-i-ee-nozologicheskaya-struktura


