
Health conditions among workers who participated in the cleanup of the Chernobyl accident

Title:Health conditions among workers who participated in the cleanup of the Chernobyl accident
Author:Kamarli Z., Abdulina A.
Reference:World Health Statist. Quart. N 1, 1996, т.49, стр.29-31
Keywords:radiation accident; Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant; long-term effects; morbidity; disability; liquidators; radioactive pollution; population; health status; Kyrgyzstan; medical and dosimetric register
URL:URL: http://sci-pub.info/ref/13411/

The Chernobyl Tissue Bank: Integrating international research on thyroid cancer

Title:The Chernobyl Tissue Bank: Integrating international research on thyroid cancer
Author:Thomas G.A.
Reference:Cell Preserv. Technol. N 4, 2004, т.2, стр.335-336 ISSN: 1538-344X
URL: http://sci-pub.info/ref/5385789/

Post-chernobyl thyroid carcinoma in Belarus children and adolescents: Comparison with naturally occurring thyroid carcinoma in Italy and France

Title:Post-chernobyl thyroid carcinoma in Belarus children and adolescents: Comparison with naturally occurring thyroid carcinoma in Italy and France
Author:Pacini Furio, Vorontsova Tatiana, Demidchik Eugeni P., Molinaro Eleonora, Agate Laura, Romei Cristina, Shavrova Elena, Cherstvoy Eugeny D., Ivashkevitch Yuriy, Kuchinskaya Elvira, Schlumberger Marin, Ronga Giuseppe, Filesi Mauro, Pinchera Aldo
Reference: J. Clin. Endocrinol. and Metab. N 11, 1997, т.82, стр.3563-3569

URL: http://sci-pub.info/ref/340925/

High prevalence of RET rearrangement in thyroid tumors of children from Belarus after the Chernobyl reactor accident

Title: High prevalence of RET rearrangement in thyroid tumors of children from Belarus after the Chernobyl reactor accident
Author:Klugbauer S., Lengfelder E., Demidchik E.P., Rabes H.M.
Reference:Oncogene N 12, 1995, т.11, стр.2459-2467

Chernobyl and hypothyroidism

Title:Chernobyl and hypothyroidism

Author:Mangano Joseph J.

Reference: Lancet N 9013, 1996, стр.1482

URL: http://sci-pub.info/ref/14203/


Radiation and thyroid diseases: Experiences in Nagasaki and around Chernobyl

Title: Radiation and thyroid diseases: Experiences in Nagasaki and around Chernobyl
Author: Ashizawa Kiyoto, Yamashita Shunichi, Nagataki Shigenobu
Reference: Acta medica Nagasakiensia. 1996, 41(1-2), p.1-7
NAOSITE: Nagasaki University’s Academic Output SITE
Keywords: radiation accident; Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant; Atomic explosions; Nagasaki; long-term effects; the thyroid gland; tumors; population
Abstract: The needs of a society are closely related to medical progress and its contribution. For instance, research on AIDS and cancer is carried out to meet the demand of contemporary society. Thyroid disease caused by iodine deficiency is one such challenge, and “radiation and thyroid” is another major research theme. Clinical investigation and basic research on radiation-induced thyroid diseases through molecular epidemiology have received much attention from scientists in Nagasaki because of our historical background of atomic bomb exposure and accumulated data of radiationinduced human diseases. We, therefore, introduce the experiences of thyroid examination in Nagasaki and Chernobyl and epidemiological analysis of the effect of radiation on thyroid diseases.
URL: http://sci-pub.info/ref/13009/

Population patterns of development at oncopathology population living in contaminated areas after the Chernobyl accident

Title: Population patterns of development at oncopathology population living in contaminated areas after the Chernobyl accident
Author: Parshkov E. M., Sokolov V. A., Golivets T. P., Kovalenko B. S., Artamonova YU. Z.
Reference: 2009 year, VAK speciality — 14.00.00, author —
Keywords: The Chernobyl accident, Oncology, population incidence, descriptive epidemiological analysis, mechanisms of carcinogenesis, Belgorod and Bryansk area
Abstract: Descriptive epidemiological analysis of more than 200 thousands of new cancer cases over 25-year period (1981-2005) among population of the Belgorod and Bryansk Regions affected as a result of the Chernobyl accident was carried out. Age-gender dependencies of population oncopathology development during this period as well as the dynamics the incidence changes in separate nosological units were determined. It was shown that exposure in low dose after the Chernobyl accident led to wavy change of the incidence with the period 5-7 years and that radiation-induced incidence developed in the format of spontaneous one. The role of physiological factors of organism and processes of cell proliferation and differentiation in cancer development are discussed.
URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/polovozrastnye-zakonomernosti-razvitiya-onkopatologii-u-naseleniya-prozhivayuschego-na-zagryaznennyh-territoriyah-posle#ixzz3rHTGEqFR

Oncoepidemiologic situation on the territory of the Kaluga region 10 years after the Chernobyl accident

Title: Oncoepidemiologic situation on the territory of the Kaluga region 10 years after the Chernobyl accident
Author: Ivanov V.K., Nilova E.V., Efendiev V.A.*, Gorsky A.I., Pitkevich V.A., Leshakov S.Y.*, Shiryaev V.I.
Reference:”Questions of oncology”1997 vol.43, No.2
Abstract: Medical Radiological Research Centre of RAMS, Obninsk; * – Department of Health, Administration of Kaluga Region, Kaluga Cancer morbidity and mortality has been studied in the contaminated areas of the Kaluga region. The objective of the study was to evaluate to what extent the radiation factor has influenced the existing levels of cancer morbidity and mortality. Analysis was performed of standardized ratios of cancer incidence and mortality and corresponding population risks. The conclusion based on the analysis suggests that the current incidence rates of malignant neoplasms in the population of the studied areas affected by the Chernobyl accident were formed under the influence of a number of factors which showed themselves before the accident. Of particular concern are the trends noticed in oncoepidemiologic processes in the Uly-anovsky district of the region. Thus far no statistically reliable effect of the radiation factor on cancer incidence (except thyroid cancer in the female population of the contaminated areas) has been detected. The cancer morbidity and mortality in the contaminated areas are largely in agreement with the general indicators throughout the region. By and large the drawn conclusion is consistent with data of the world practice on latent periods in inducing radiogenic cancers and extent of biological effects for the irradiation levels to which the population on the contaminated areas is exposed.
URL: http://refereed.ru/ref_810b5710d655a3c837fb6cf8d098fe88.html

Studies of 90Sr presence in milk and commercial dairy products

Title: Studies of 90Sr presence in milk and commercial dairy products

Author: M. Kruk, J. Solecki

Reference: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry , November 2011, Volume 290, Issue 2, pp 325-332

DOI: 10.1007/s10967-011-1395-1

Keywords: 90Sr, Milk, Dairy products, Weighted effective doses

Abstract: The aim of this article was to present the studies of radiological level of some commercial dairy products in Mazovian, Kuyavian—Pomeranian and Lublin regions. They were carried out for 27 commercial dairy products such as two specimens of lean cottage cheese, three specimens of cottage cheese containing a limited percentage of fat, three specimens of fat cottage cheese, three specimens of milk containing 3.2% of fat, three specimens of milk containing 2.0% of fat, two specimens of sour cream containing 12% of fat, three specimens of sour cream containing 18% of fat, one specimen of 30% whipping cream, two specimens of homogenized (strawberry and vanilla) cheese, three specimens of hard rennet cheese, one specimen of powdered milk, one specimen of goat milk. For the given commercial dairy products there were calculated effective doses (μSv) obtained after consumption of 1 kg contaminated product for different age groups.


(日本語) ミルクと市販の乳製品におけるストロンチウム90の研究

Title: Studies of 90Sr presence in milk and commercial dairy products

Author: M. Kruk, J. Solecki

Reference: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry , November 2011, Volume 290, Issue 2, pp 325-332

DOI: 10.1007/s10967-011-1395-1

Keywords: 90Sr, Milk, Dairy products, Weighted effective doses

Abstract: The aim of this article was to present the studies of radiological level of some commercial dairy products in Mazovian, Kuyavian—Pomeranian and Lublin regions. They were carried out for 27 commercial dairy products such as two specimens of lean cottage cheese, three specimens of cottage cheese containing a limited percentage of fat, three specimens of fat cottage cheese, three specimens of milk containing 3.2% of fat, three specimens of milk containing 2.0% of fat, two specimens of sour cream containing 12% of fat, three specimens of sour cream containing 18% of fat, one specimen of 30% whipping cream, two specimens of homogenized (strawberry and vanilla) cheese, three specimens of hard rennet cheese, one specimen of powdered milk, one specimen of goat milk. For the given commercial dairy products there were calculated effective doses (μSv) obtained after consumption of 1 kg contaminated product for different age groups.

