
In the Russian Scientific Commission on Radiological Protection

Author: SA Filippova

Reference:  Радиация и риск (Radiation and risk): 1997 Issue: 10

Abstract: During 1997, the work of the commission was focused on expert examination of legislative and regulatory documents and discussions on scientific and practical problems. Attempts to solve the difficult problem to create a unified law allowing to address issues of social protection in events of any radiation accident, were made ​​repeatedly. Draft of the Law of the Russian Federation on social protection of citizens exposed to radiation during accidents and nuclear tests was prepared by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, Ministry of Emergency Situations, and was submitted by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation to the Commission (04.04.1997).

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/v-rossiyskoy-nauchnoy-komissii-po-radiatsionnoy-zaschite-7


