
240 Chernobyl Radiation-induced Thyroid Cancers in Belarus Mikhail V….


Title: 240 Chernobyl Radiation-induced Thyroid Cancers in Belarus Mikhail V….

Author: Mikhail V. MALKO

Reference: [PDF-201K]Aug 2002


Abstract: Assessment of incidence and mortality for thyroid cancers carried out for the Belarusian population is described in the present report. It is found that in the period of 1987-2000 about 4,400 radiation-induced thyroid cancers appeared in Belarus: 692 cancers among children and 3,709 cancers among adolescents and adults. …

URL: http://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/NSRG/reports/kr79/kr79pdf/Malko2.pdf


