
A one dimensional dispersion model for radionuclides in the marine environment applied to the Chernobyl fallout over the northern Baltic Sea

  • Title: A one dimensional dispersion model for radionuclides in the marine environment applied to the Chernobyl fallout over the northern Baltic Sea

Author: J. Ribbe, S. H. Mller-Navarra, H. Nies

Reference: Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection, 6 (4), p.167-172, Dec 1986

doi: 10.1088/0260-2814/6/4/002


Abstract: As a result of the Chernobyl fallout the Baltic Sea was the most affected marine ecosystem. The occurrence of ‘hot spots’ at the water surface was characteristic for the contamination. A one dimensional vertical dispersion model was used to explain the distribution of the radionuclides cesium 137 and cesium 134 in the water column of the central Bothnian Sea for the first six months after the contamination. In addition to the physical dispersion processes, specific chemical characteristics of the radionuclides were taken into consideration. During the time of siumulation, 5 per cent of the radionuclides cesium 137 and cesium 134 were trapped in the sediment, and 50 per cent of the plutonium 239/240 activity concentration was deposited, however, it’s activity concentration measured in the water column was close to the limit of detection.

URL: http://eprints.usq.edu.au/1081/1/Ribbe_Muller-Navara_Nies.pdf


