
Apparatus for vitrification of radioactive waste containing ion exchange resin

Author: I.A. Sobolev, S.A. Dmitriev, F.A. Lifanov, A.P. Kobelev, A.E. Savkin, V.N. Zakharenko, V.I. Kornev, O.A. Knyazev

Reference: Patent, 10.07.1998, Moscow patent holder: Moscow State Enterprise – Joint Environmental-Technological Research Center for the disposal of radioactive waste and the protection of the environment (SIA “Radon”)

Keywords: vitrification, liquid waste, ion exchange resins

Abstract: The invention relates to liquid waste treatment and is intended for vitrification of homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures of liquid radioactive waste containing ion exchange resins.

URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/211/2115182.html



