Title: Radiation-ecological and silvicultural basics of forest management in the areas of radioactive contamination
Author: Panfilov, Alexander Viktorovich
Reference: Syktyvkar, 2004
Keywords: pollution, forest ecosystems
Abstract: The main purpose of the dissertation is to develop a theoretical basics and normative-methodological framework for continuous sustainable forest management while ensuring the requirements of radiation and environmental safety in polluted areas and in areas where there is a radiation hazard
Title: Radioecological situation in the forest ecosystems of the Ryazan region, contaminated as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
Author: Kononova, Galina Alexandrovna
Reference: Moscow, 2004
Keywords: Ryazan region, forest vegetation, radionuclide migration, cesium-137, ecosystem, mushrooms
Abstract: The main purpose of the work was to study the radiological situation in the forest ecosystems of the Ryazan region contaminated by radionuclides due to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, to determine the levels of cesium in the timber and non-timber forest resources, to assess their compliance with sanitary and hygienic regulations.
Title: Methodological principles of ecological risk assessment in the Republic of Belarus after the Chernobyl accident
Author: Saltanova, Irina Vladimirovna
Reference: Minsk, 2005
Keywords: Belarus, methodological principles, ecological risk, population
Abstract: Research aim: Justification of methodological principles of integrated environmental risk assessment, resulting from man-made activities for measures planning to minimize human impact on the population in multivariate exposure of environmental pollutants through the analysis of radiation-chemical environment using risk assessment techniques.
Title:Scientific-technical basis of forest management on the radioactive polluted territories
Author: Bovkunov, Vladimir Mikhailovich
Reference: Bryansk, 2000
Keywords: radionuclides, forest management, Bryansk region
Abstract: The purpose of the study. To develop and validate the scientific and technical basis of forest management activities in the forests, contaminated with radionuclides as in the example of Bryansk region that was contaminated due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
Title: Evaluation and prediction of radiation-ecological state of the natural environment in the area of the Chernobyl contamination: the case of the Bryansk region.
Author: Starodubov, Alexey Valeryevich
Reference: Moscow, 2007
Keywords: area of long-term radioactive contamination, Bryansk region, safe living conditions, population, prediction, natural environment, plutonium, americium, cesium, strontium
Abstract: The main objective of the work is to establish a scientific and methodological framework for assessing and predicting the radiation situation in the area of long-term radioactive contamination by the fragmentation fission products and trans-uranic elements of Chernobyl genesis (for example, the south-western part of the Bryansk region) necessary to ensure safe living conditions of the population and planning household activity.
Author: A.Z. Burnaev, I.A. Kashirin, A.G. Nikonorov, A.V. Panchenko, T.I. Paramonova, O.G. Polsky, V.A. Smirnov, A.I. Sobolev, T.S. Yakunina
Reference: Patent, 10.02.2004, Moscow patent holder: Moscow State Enterprise – Joint Environmental-Technological Research Center for the disposal of radioactive waste and the protection of the environment (SIA “Radon”)
Keywords: industrial territory, tritium, sampling, soil, water, snow
Abstract: Usage: for specialized facilities for radioactive waste management. Substance: : The method is applied for sampling of surface water, ground and underground waters, snow cover and soil in high security zones, health protection zones and surveillance zones of industrial enterprises. In addition, it carries a selection of control samples of soil and water from plots located outside the influence of the enterprise, not being subjected to contamination by tritium from other industry.
URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/222/2223517.html
Author: Naidich V.I.
Reference: Reference: Gazette “РАДИАЦИОННАЯ БИОЛОГИЯ. РАДИОЭКОЛОГИЯ “ (Radiation Biology, Radioecology), 2005
ISSN: 0869-8031
Keywords: radiobiology, radioecology
URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16080632
Author: Podolyak A. G., Timofeev S. F., Grebenshikova N. V., Arastovich T. V., Zhdanovich V. P.
Reference: Gazette “РАДИАЦИОННАЯ БИОЛОГИЯ. РАДИОЭКОЛОГИЯ “ (Radiation Biology, Radioecology), 2005
ISSN: 0869-8031
DOI: 574.41.5:539.163:633.2.031:631.82: 631.86:546.36:546.42
Keywords: 137cs, 90sr, accumulation, agricultural sphere, soil
Abstract: On the basis of long-term stationary experience it was established that the minimum accumulation quantities for 137Cs and 90Sr in the herbage of the dry, lowland and flood-plain types of the Belarus Polessje meadows contaminated with Chernobyl radionuclides are determined when the optimum of basic agrochemical soil properties is achieved with application of the scientifically reasonable protective measures. For remote prognosis of radionuclide contents in natural and cultural meadow herbage the use of transfer factors (TFa, (Bq/kg)(kBq/m2)) based on the complex agrochemical parameters–agrochemical cultivation soil index (Icd) and basic saturation degree (V, %), which take into account some soil characteristics simultaneously, is a streamlined approach. This paper provides the equations of linear and multiple regressions, which can be used to calculate the transfer factors for 137Cs and 90Sr uptake and the herbage contamination degree for the main types of meadows of the region, that will allow reducing the volume of forage production (hay, green bulk), which is not adequate to established permissible levels: “Republican allowable levels of the contents of 137Cs and 90Sr in agricultural raw material and forages”.
URL: http://lib.bioinfo.pl/pmid:15810531
Author: Mel’chenko A.I.
Reference: Gazette “ТРУДЫ КУБАНСКОГО ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО АГРАРНОГО УНИВЕРСИТЕТА“ (Proceedings of Kuban State Agrarian University), 2008
ISSN: 1999-1703
Keywords: plant, vertical migration of 90sr, chernozem
Abstract: In the territory of All-Russian research institute of biological plant protection (Russian academy of agricultural sciences), in the field in orchard, difference in the vertical migration of radionuclides (90Sr) was studied in the soil layer of ordinary leached chernozem, depending on the depth of its original location.
URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=11619543
Title: The physiological condition of the body and productive qualities of calves in ontogenesis under different environmental conditions and economic growth
Author: Korostelyov, Alexander
Reference: Bryansk, 2011
Keywords: ontogenesis, animals, bulls, ecology, genetics, physiology, productivity
Abstract: The main goal of the research – based on a thorough study of the influence of various density of radioactive contamination on the physiological function and productivity of the animals, to develop the concept of development of cattle breeding in the area of radioactive contamination and recommendations on technology of cultivation and feeding calves, in addition breeding cattle bulls of the black-and-white breed that ensures high productivity.