Title: Trends in the human sex odds at birth in Europe and the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident
Author: Hagen Scherb, Kristina Voigt
Reference: Reproductive Toxicology, Volume 23, Issue 4, June 2007, Pages 593–599
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reprotox.2007.03.008
Keywords: Analytical ecological study; Exposure–response relation; Low-level ionizing radiation; Male proportion; Radiation epidemiology; Radiation-induced genetic effects; Sex ratio; Spatial–temporal logistic regression
Abstract: To investigate trends in the sex odds before and after the Chernobyl accident, gender-specific annual birth statistics were obtained from the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Poland, and Sweden between 1982 and 1992. For parts of Germany, annual birth statistics and fallout measurements after Chernobyl are available at the district level. Trend models allowing for discontinuities of the male birth proportions are suggested. Superimposed on a downward trend in male proportions there was a jump in 1987 with a sex odds ratio of 1.0047 (95%-confidence interval: 1.0013–1.0081, p = 0.0061). A positive association of the male proportion in Germany between 1986 and 1991 with radioactive exposure at the district level is reflected by a sex odds ratio of 1.0145 per mSv/a (1.0021–1.0271, p = 0.0218). These findings suggest a possible long-term chronic influence of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident on the human sex odds at birth in several European countries.
Title: A Study on the Prefectural Distribution of Radioactive Cesium Concentrations in Dried Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) Produced in Japan
Author: Masami SHIMIZU, Ikuro ANZAI, Masahiro FUKUSHI, Yoshiyuki NYUUI
Reference: RADIOISOTOPES, Vol. 46 (1997) No. 5 P 272-280
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3769/radioisotopes.46.272
Keywords: radioactive cesium, dried Lentinula edodes (Shiitake), regional distribution, Japanese product
Abstract: After the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, relatively high radioactive cesium levels were detected in various mushrooms produced in many countries. Mushrooms have a high transfer factor, showing a relatively high uptake of cesium from wood and soil in which they grow. In the present investigation, we analyzed radioactive cesium concentrations contained in the dried Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) produced in various prefectures all over Japan, and examined the effectiveness of this mushroom as an indicator of radioactive contamination of environment due to nuclear explosion tests and Chernobyl power plant accident.
Reference: Moscow, 1998
Keywords: genetic effects, plant, contamination of environment
Abstract: Our aim was to evaluate genetic processes in plant populations under radioactive contamination resulting from a large-scale accident at a nuclear industry.
Author: Tulina, Anastasia Sergeyevna
Reference: Pushchino 2002
Keywords: agroecology, nitrogen fertilizers, soil, 137Cs
Abstract: Aim: Revealing of reasons for increased accumulation of 137Cs by plants when applying nitrogen fertilizer on sod-podzolic sandy soils contaminated by Chernobyl fallout, and selection of optimum nitrogen fertilizer application system to provide a high yield of crops with a minimum accumulation of radioactive cesium.
Author: Geras’kin, Stanislav A.
Reference: Obninsk, 1998
Keywords: Radiobiology, plants
Abstract: Identifying formation patterns of cytogenetic effects of low-dose ionizing radiation. The following is taken into account: Formation and establishment of concept of biological activities of low-dose radiation on the cell. 2. Study of patterns of induction of low-dose ionizing radiation and cytogenetic damage in the root meristem of irradiated seeds and seedlings, as well as in leaf intercalary meristem of crop plants. 3. Study of formation of cytogenetic effects in terms of combined effect of low-dose ionizing radiation and low-level concentrations of mutagens of chemical nature (heavy metals). 4. Cytogenetic study of effects of the Chernobyl accident on the example of plant components of agricultural ecosystems.
URL: http://earthpapers.net/zakonomernosti-formirovaniya-tsitogeneticheskih-effektov-malyh-doz-ioniziruyuschego-izlucheniya
Author: Pisarenko, Taras Sergeyevich
Reference: thesis 03.00.16
Keywords: Environment
Abstract: The purpose of the present work is to study the dynamics of mortality in the Kaluga region for the period 1950 to 2002, of people living in conditions of chronic exposure to artificial radionuclides.
Research objectives: to characterize the radioecological situation in the Kaluga region before and after the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, to identify the dynamics of mortality of different age-sex groups in the rural and urban population before and after the accident, to determine the significance of various classes of causes of death of people in the total structure of mortality in the human population, to compare the dynamics of mortality by cause of death in the human population with the dynamics of radioactive contamination of the atmosphere…
URL: http://earthpapers.net/dinamika-chislennosti-naseleniya-kaluzhskoy-oblasti-do-i-posle-avarii-na-chernobylskoy-aes
Title: Improving the efficiency of social and economical development of radioactive contaminated territories in the process of its recovery
Author: Talalushikina, Yulia Nikolayevna
Reference: Chelyabinsk, 2008
Keywords: socio-economic development, radioactive contamination, recovery (decontamination)
Abstract: The purpose of the research: to suggest ways to improve the socio-economic development of the radioactive contaminated territory based on an assessment by the developed technique of their condition within the process of its recovery.
Title: Justification, evaluation of efficiency and optimization of protection and rehabilitation measures in the territories contaminated after the Chernobyl accident
Author: Panov, Alexey Valeryevich
Reference: Obninsk, 2009
Keywords: protective measures, contaminated sites, recovery activities, agriculture
Abstract: The aim of the work was to evaluate the effectiveness of protective measures for agriculture in various stages of consequences of radiation accident liquidation and on this basis to develop the optimal ways of radioactively contaminated territories recovery.
Title: The study of the mutation process in chronically exposed populations of Pinus sylvestris L. (Pinus sylvestris), growing in the area of Chernobyl nuclear power plant
Author: Igonina, Elena Viktorovna
Reference: Moscow, 2010
Keywords: mutation, chronic exposure, Pinus sylvestris L. (Pinus sylvestris), ionizing radiation
Abstract: The aim of the thesis is to study the effect of ionizing radiation on the dynamics of the mutation process in chronically exposed pine populations.
Author: Sergei Stepanovich PYSARENKO
Reference: ABSTRACT -2003 Moscow 03.00.16 WAC
Keywords: Environment
Abstract: Objective: To assess the state of male reproductive functions of man nad domestic and wild mammals living in areas with different levels of contamination.
1. We conducted comparative studies of the effect of ionizing radiation on the reproductive function of men and male domestic and wild mammals under the same conditions of radioactive contamination of the natural environment. 2. Our aim was to find out distinctive features and general regularities of the state of the reproductive function of wild and domestic mammals before and after the accident. 3. We studied the morphological status of the seminiferous tubules of the human male reproductive glands, and testes of wild and domestic mammals in areas with different levels of contamination. 4. To find out absorbed amount of radioactive cesium-137 in the gonads of human males, males of wild and domestic animals in areas with different levels of contamination. 5. We conducted a comprehensive and dynamic analysis to find out the adaptive capabilities of reproductive function in mammals, under various conditions of their habitat in contaminated territories.
URL: http://earthpapers.net/sostoyanie-muzhskoy-reproduktivnoy-funktsii-cheloveka-i-mlekopitayuschih-v-zone-radioaktivnogo-zagryazneniya