
カテゴリー「society, psychology, philosophy」

The relationship of somatic diseases and thyroid dysfunction of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident in remote period

Author: N.L. Khrebtova

Reference: Dissertation, candidate of midical sciences, Perm, 2003

Keywords: liquidator, remote period observation, neuro-psychic analyses, algorithm

Abstract: Objectives of the study:

  1. To study the overall health condition of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident in the 1986-87 and 1988-90 in the long term (after 12-16 years), including the analysis of patterns of disease, and the nature of somatic and neuropsychiatric disease.
  2. Assess the clinical condition of the thyroid system of the participants of work at Chernobyl in the long term.
  3. To study the characteristics of the formation of arterial hypertension of the liquidators, the medical display of cardiovascular disease in this population.
  4. To analyze the dynamics of the state of neuro-psychic sphere of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident in remote period, to identify the relationship thyroid dysfunction and neuropsychiatric status of liquidators.
  5. To develop an algorithm of actions of the physician in the study of thyroid system of liquidators, management recommendations of this group of patients, and for the correction of violations.

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/vzaimosvyaz-somaticheskoi-patologii-i-tireoidnoi-disfunktsii-u-likvidatorov-avarii-na-chaes-

Mathematical analysis, with forecasting, of the morphofunctional state of the thyroid gland in terms of modeling of emergency situations in radiation hazardous objects

Author: E.N. Shestakova

Reference: Dissertation, candidate of technical sciences, Voronezh, 2007

Keywords: morpho-functional state, forecast, low dose radiation

Abstract: Recently, more and more attention of scientists is focused to the studies of the effects of radiation in low doses. This question interests not only physicians, but also responsible and official persons taking important social, economic and political decisions. The fact is that, as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, were formed not only areas with high levels of radiation (the thirty-kilometer zone around the plant) but there were also “spots” of contamination. Moreover, the problem of low-dose radiation has gone beyond our country and become of global character (Frolov, 1998; Burlakov EB, 1996; Tsib AF, 2005) …

Aim of research: Evaluation of morpho-functional state of the thyroid gland with forecast of long-term (remote) effects of post-radiation damage by ionizing radiation in a wide range of parameters of low doses.

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/matematicheskii-analiz-s-prognozirovaniem-morfofunktsionalnogo-sostoyaniya-shchitovidnoi-zhe
