
カテゴリー「thyroid cancer」

Improvement of methods of diagnosis and treatment of thyroid tumors in children and adolescents (on the model of the Rostov region).

Author:Yu.Yu. Kozel

Reference: Dissertation, doctor of medical sciences, Roftov-na-Donu, 2006

Keywords: children, adolescence, immune-genetic research

Abstract: 20 years after the accident of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, it becomes all the more clear, by facts, that sharp increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer, especially malignant tumors, has become the basic health effects of radiation. Most tragically, the above mentioned fact is observed among persons who, at the time of the accident, were children or teenagers and were exposed to radioactive iodine (Vtyurin BM et al., 2003). …

Aim of research: to develop tactics of examination of children and adolescents with thyroid tumors, based on the analysis of clinical and diagnostic data, including usage of immune-genetic studies. Optimization of method to treat these diseases, considering the immune-genetic characteristics of the child.

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/usovershenstvovanie-metodov-diagnostiki-i-lecheniya-opukholei-shchitovidnoi-zhelezy-u-detei-

Pathomorphological and immunohistochemical study of thyroid tumors in children in ecological situations of Kuzbass


Author: N.E. Verzhbitskaya

Reference: Dissertation, candidate of medical sciences, Novosibirsk, 2006

Keywords: children, ecological background,

Abstract: Currently, thyroid cancer in children due to the unfavorable ecological situation, the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Tomsk region, the tests at the Semipalatinsk test site, has grown considerably in number. O.K. Khmelnitsky et al. (2000) states on the etiology of thyroid disease: “Not even one discipline of endocrine pathology is related to the environment as closely as to thyroid disease, because the structure and function of the thyroid gland is closely associated with the receipt of iodine and other trace elements from putside. In this regard, thyroid disease can be rightfully considered as a marker of ecological trouble. ” In the group of children and adolescents, thyroid cancer is the most common tumor of the endocrine system. This disease, which occurs much less frequently than in adults, amounts, however, up to 8-15% of malignant solid tumors of the head and neck in children. …

The purpose of the study : To study the structure and pathomorphological features of thyroid cancer in children in Kuzbass and, on this basis, to develop the complex of measures of organization of cancer monitoring, and to improve the results of the differential diagnosis of benign thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer in children.

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/patomorfologicheskoe-i-immunogistokhimicheskoe-issledovanie-opukholei-shchitovidnoi-zhelezy-

Efficiency of radio-iodine-therapy for patients suffering from thyroid cancer with metastases to the lungs and mediastinum

Author: N.V. Podolkhova

Reference: Dissertation, candidate of medical sciences, Obninsk, 2007

Keywords: oncologic disease

Abstract: For people affected by the accident of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, living in areas where there were no large-scale dosimetry studies, link of the growth of cancer of the thyroid gland to radiation must be set by the presence of characteristic features described by ourselves: Increase of incidence among children and adults after the completion of the minimum latency (~ 5-6 years), aggression of tendency of childhood cancers, the lack of growth in oncologic diseases of thyroid in children born after the collapse of iodine radionuclides (1987 and later) …

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/effektivnost-radioidoterapii-u-bolnykh-rakom-shchitovidnoi-zhelezy-s-metastazami-v-legkie-i-

Comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer based on etiopathogenetic and prognostic factors

 Author: P.O. Rumyantsev

Reference: Dissertation, doctor of medical sciences, Obninsk, 2009

Keywords: children, adolescence, histological verification, English researchers, Thomas GA & Williams E.D.

Abstract: … Since 1992 to the present time, in the contaminated territories of the Russian Federation, following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, were detected an abnormally high incidence of thyroid cancer in the cohort of individuals exposed in childhood and adolescence [BM Vtyurip et al, 2001]. In the late ’90s, for a review, a histogram-preparation of all previously diagnosed cases of thyroid cancer was available for an independent examination by the international panel of pathologists, chaired by Professor Williams (UK). As result of the independent histological verification, in many cases the diagnosis of thyroid cancer was not confirmed, in some cases histological type was changed, or histopathological version of the thyroid carcinoma was elaborated. Since 1999 histo-preparation of all newly diagnosed cases of thyroid cancer in children and adolescents, (at the time of diagnosis or at the time of the Chernobyl accident) born after 1967, has undergone regular independent histological verification as part of international projects of bank of tissue, blood and nucleic acids, whose headquarter is situated in London [Thomas GA & Williams E.D., 2001]. After more than twenty years after the Chernobyl accident, there is no information on the exact number of cases of thyroid cancer (based on the results of the international histological verification) reported of children and adolescents in the contaminated territories of the Russian Federation in the post-Chernobyl period ….

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/kompleksnaya-diagnostika-i-lechenie-raka-shchitovidnoi-zhelezy-na-sonove-etiopatogenetichesk

Determination of the frequency of mutant cells on loci of glycophorin A and T- of cell receptor: to form (determine) group of risk in relationship with development of thyroid cancer

Author: A.O.Vereshagina

Reference: Dissertation, candidate of biology, Obninsk, 2006

Keywords: reevaluation of the relationship between radiation exposure and thyroid cancer, GPA-and-TCR-test, formation of groups of risk

Abstract: … the aim of this work was to elucidate a few questions.

  1. People living in the contaminated areas, suffering from thyroid cancer: Do patients actually have elevated frequency of cells with gene mutations?
  2. Does utilization of GPA-and TCR-test promise the formation of groups of risk for the occurrence of thyroid cancer? Informative evaluation of these tests for dosimetry at different doses to the thyroid gland is also of our interests.

To achieve these objectives, we were supposed to solve the following problems: 1) A comparative study of the frequency of occurrence of mutant cells by TCR-and GPA-loci among 1. residents affected by the Chernobyl disaster areas 2. people unexposed yet being under examination; 2) To determine whether there is a relationship between the dose absorbed by the thyroid and the frequency of mutant cells by GPA-and TCR-loci, among affected residents, as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (taking example of residents in Orel region) 3) a comparative study of the frequency of mutant cells, among residents in the Orel region 1. with benign nodular pathology on thyroid gland and 2. without it; 4) a comparative study of the frequency of mutant cells on 2 specified loci in 1. thyroid cancer patients before treatment and 2. healthy individuals; 5) to evaluate the possibility of using these tests for the formation of groups of risk, for the occurrence of thyroid cancer; …

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/opredelenie-chastoty-mutantnykh-kletok-po-lokusam-glikoforina-i-t-kletochnogo-retseptora-s-t

Clinical-morphological diagnostic criteria for papillary thyroid cancer of various degrees of malignancy

Author: I.A. Pavlov

Reference: Dissertation, candidate of medical sciences, Rostov-na-Donu, 2010

Keywords: papillary carcinoma of thyroid gland, endogenous factor, exogenous factor

Abstract: It is shown that a significant role in the development of thyroid disorders, including thyroid cancer, are played by both endogenous and exogenous factors. Among the latter, a special place is occupied by the influence of radiation, in particular the consequences of the accident of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (JI.A Ilyin et al. 1989; Abrosimov Yu et al., 2001; Kravtsov VJ et al., 2009; Troshin B. P., Tikhonov, Y., 2009), and shown in our work (Pavlova TV, et al., 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007). In addition, specific attention is drawn to other factors (Khmelnytsky OK, AV Kiselev, 1998) like iodine deficiency states (PABSEC Volokh Yu VP, Van – Mildsvort JI., 1992), a number of unhealthy habits etc …
URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/kliniko-morfologicheskie-diagnosticheskie-kriterii-papillyarnogo-raka-shchitovidnoi-zhelezy-

The clinical progress and remote results of surgical treatment of thyroid cancer in children and adolescents

Author: S.V. Osipov

Reference: Dissertation, candidate of medical sciences, Ufa, 2005

Keywords: surgical treatment, remote long-term consequences, survival rate

Abstract: Scientific novelty of the work:

1. For the first time an analysis of the clinical course and remote results of surgical treatment of thyroid cancer, in children and adolescents in the region of the Southern Urals, (Chelyabinsk region) in terms up to 25 years, is shown.

2. The clinical course of thyroid cancer in children and adolescents is defined by the presence symptom complex – a painless lump in the neck, an increase in cervical lymph nodes under the guise of “banal” adenopathy with a predominance of well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas.

3. Conserving surgical treatment of differentiated thyroid cancers, in children and adolescents, is to provide excellent immediate long-term results.

4. The cumulative survival rate after surgical treatment of highly differentiated form of thyroid cancer, in children and adolescents in terms of supervision of up to 25 years, – 94.0%.

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/klinicheskoe-techenie-i-otdalennye-rezultaty-khirurgicheskogo-lecheniya-raka-shchitovidnoi–0

The clinical course and long-term results of surgical treatment of multifocused thyroid cancer


Author: A.S. Butorin

Reference: Dissertation, candidate of medical sciences, Ufa, 2006

Keywords: surgical approach, long-term effects

Abstract: The urgency of this problem in our country increased after the Chernobyl accident in 1986, due to the sharp increase in the frequency of thyroid cancer in the “contaminated” areas of Belarus (Demidchnk E, F, “2003), Ukraine (Komissarenko And B., 2003. 2004 ) and Russia (Polyakov-H., et al,. 1998; Zvonov IA et. al., 1993). The cases of multiple organ of cancer of the thyroid gland, according to the literature, are – from 4.7% up to 87.5%. So far, there are no uniform opinion neither to the incidence of multifocused thyroid cancer, nor any features of its clinical course. Surgical approach remains controversial. …

The purpose of the present study has been to investigate the clinical course and long-term, remote results of surgical treatment of multifocused thyroid cancer, as well as the development of the optimal surgical approach.

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/klinicheskoe-techenie-i-otdalennye-rezultaty-khirurgicheskogo-lecheniya-mnogofokusnogo-raka-

Assessing the impact of methods of preoperative and intraoperative differential diagnosis on the surgical treatment of thyroid cancer


Author: P.A. Pankova

Reference: Dissertation, candidate of medical sciences, St. Petersburg, 2008

Keywords: differential diagnosis, reduce risk, cytological and histological studies

Abstract: Object of resarch: To determine the relevance and adequacy of pre-operative methods in the differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules in order to detect cancer of the thyroid gland; To compare methods of urgent cytological and histological studies of thyroid nodules; To substantiate the necessity of intraoperative, cytologic research of the regional lymph nodes in the neck, for the detection of metastases of thyroid cancer; To develop algorithm of intraoperative diagnosis of thyroid nodules.

Scientific novelties: The paper shows limited role:

– preoperative examination methods in the differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules in order to detect cancer of the thyroid gland.

– The study by modern evidence-based medicine has shown that any formation of thyroid may be a carcinoma, regardless of its palpable characteristics, size, hormonal activity or ultrasound picture.

It is proven that the combined use of fixed-term cytological and histological studies significantly improves intraoperative differential diagnosis of differentiated thyroid cancer and reduces the risk of performance of inadequate surgical intervention.

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/otsenka-vliyaniya-na-khirurgicheskuyu-taktiku-lecheniya-raka-shchitovidnoi-zhelezy-metodov-d

Cancer of the thyroid gland in the adult population living in the contaminated areas following the accident of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (features of epidemiology, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment)

 Author: S.V. Korenev

Reference: Dissertation, doctor of medical sciences, Obninsk, 2005

Keywords: adult population, therapeutic and diagnostic tactics

Abstract: Based on the comprehensive clinical and epidemiological research and generalization of experience of work carried out in the post-Chernobyl period in the Bryansk region, an optimal therapeutic and diagnostic tactics in patients with thyroid cancer in a population of adults living on-contaminated areas is developed. The work is the first of comprehensive works, dedicated to the study of complex problems of thyroid cancer in the adult population living in the contaminated areas. …

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/rak-shchitovidnoi-zhelezy-u-vzroslogo-naseleniya-prozhivayushchego-na-zagryaznennykh-radionu
