
Chapter 78 – Effect of Lifelong Iodine Supplementation


Title: Chapter 78 – Effect of Lifelong Iodine Supplementation

Author: Berg, Gertrud / Nyström, Ernst

Reference: Comprehensive Handbook of Iodine, Jan 2009



Abstract: This chapter describes the consequences of lifelong iodine supplementation concentrating on adults. The results of studies of various aspects of iodine metabolism and thyroid disease in Sweden have been summarized. Sweden has had iodine supplementation since 1936; thus, an adult in Sweden today has experienced lifelong exposure to iodine. The uptake of iodine in the thyroid gland is lower than in a Swedish population studied 45 years earlier, showing the long-term adaptation to an environment higher in iodine. These figures correspond to an intake of iodine of about 260 μg/day in 2000 compared to 100 μg/day in 1955. The prevalence of goiter is 7% in adults in western
Sweden, which is lower than in areas with low iodine intake. The prevalence of thyroid autoimmune disease may be slightly higher than in populations with a low iodine intake. Thyroid cancer incidence has been stable for the period 1971–2006. Intrathyroid iodine levels may vary in a population, which has been iodine-sufficient for a long period. Most of the studies were performed in the small community of Mölnlycke in western Sweden where the population studied consists of a fairly homogeneous group that has been stationary in the region.


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URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780123741356000789


