
Characteristics of psychosomatic disorders in liquidators of radiation accidents and theirs neuropeptide correction

Title: Characteristics of psychosomatic disorders in liquidators of radiation accidents and their neuropeptide correction

Author: Sorkin, Vadim Vadimovich

Reference: St. Petersburg, 2009

Keywords: psychosomatic disorders, liquidators, radiation accidents, neuropeptide correction, Veterans of Special Risk Division (VSRD-rus. ВПОР), distant period, healing effect, peptide bioregulator, Cortexin

Abstract: The purpose of the study: the state of psychosomatic health of radiation accidents’ liquidators that were exposed to radiation during the execution – Veterans of Special Risk Division (VSRD-rus. ВПОР), and the Liquidators of the Chernobyl Accident (LCA) in the long term, and most importantly – to determine the characteristics of therapeutic effects on them of peptide bioregulator – drug Cortexin.




