
Chernobyl: Current situation of non-cancer diseases

Title: Chernobyl: Current situation of non-cancer diseases

Author: Bebeshko, Volodymyr G. / Bazyka, Dimitry A. / Buzunov, Volodymyr

Reference: International Congress Series, 1299, p.54-59, Feb 2007

doi: 10.1016/j.ics.2006.09.004

Abstract: …radiation-induced deaths from non-cancer diseases Total Circulation…radiation related non-cancer endpoints are of concern following the Chernobyl accident. There are…cerebrovascular and thyroid diseases in clean-up…possibly other non-cancer conditions may be increased…

URL: http://scirus.com/srsapp/search?q=chernobyl+(thyroid+cancer)&t=all&fdt=0&tdt=2014&drill=yes&sort=0&p=390&nff=pdf


