
Current State of Epidemiological Studies in Belarus about Chernobyl Sufferers

Title: Current State of Epidemiological Studies in Belarus about Chernobyl Sufferers

Author: Vladimir P. MATSKO

Reference: [PDF-101K]Aug 2002


Abstract: The present paper is an analysis of the results of epidemiological studies in Belarus about the after-effects of the accident at the Chernobyl atomic power station (ChAPS), based on published data at scientific institutes, organs and institutions of Ministry of Health. The special system in the Republic of sanitation for the affected population and its statistical outcome allows to obtain annually the data on morbidity and mortality of different cohorts of this population. The health both of the affected by the catastrophe and of the whole population of the Republic is influenced by economic, environmental (i.e. of natural and social medium) factors connected with individual behaviours, medical and sanitary situation. The higher level of disease incidence among the affected people can be explained, in a certain degree, not only by the ChAPS accident after-effects but also by the established sanitary system and improved diagnostics quality. Meanwhile, the adduced data are of interest as a basis for long-term observation, evaluation of tendencies and choice of directions of priority in further researches. The adduced material indicates aggravation of health state of the republican population, especially of those who suffered as a result of the ChAPS catastrophe. Undoubtedly, the higher disease incidence of the affected people (which constitute a fifth part of the total population) increases the morbidity in Belarus as a whole.

URL: http://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/NSRG/reports/kr21/kr21pdf/Matsko2.pdf



