Radiation control and monitoring of agricultural products in the context of global and local radioactive fallout
Title: Radiation control and monitoring of agricultural products in the context of global and local radioactive fallout
Author: Kalmykov, Mikhail Viktorovich
Reference: Moscow, 2001
Keywords: animals, plants, soil, agriculture, Russia, veterinary radiological control, monitoring, forage, cesium-137, strontium-90
Abstract: The aim of the thesis – to review and analysis of the general laws of radiation situation formation in the sphere of agricultural production in Russia and other individual regions of the country – radio-ecological justification of veterinary radiological control, monitoring, rationing of radionuclide content in the forage and the development of acceptable levels of their content
137CsAgricultureanimalsforage(cattle)/fodder(animals & horses)monitoringplantsRussiasoilveterinary90Sr