
Chernobyl Tenth Anniversary: strategy for response, organisation, examples and results

Title: Chernobyl Tenth Anniversary: strategy for response, organisation, examples and results
Author: Malcolm C Grimston

Reference: Journal of Radiological Protection, 17 (1), p.31-35, Mar 1997

doi: 10.1088/0952-4746/17/1/005


Abstract: This paper describes the essential steps in setting up the Task Force; discusses the main elements of the strategy which emerged, including the Chernobyl Fact Sheets, the identification of credible third parties who could explain key issues with the media, and the secondment of a British press officer to the plant to coordinate international visits; and evaluates press response to the anniversary in comparison with previous anniversaries.


…example, that Chernobyl has already killed…clear increase in thyroid cancer incidence in Belarus…International Chernobyl Project, 1991; leukaemia and thyroid cancer; other heath problems…countries; ‘Chernobyl lamb.’ 9. Energy…

URL: http://iopscience.iop.org/0952-4746/17/1/005/


