
Development and application of methods of individual retrospective dosimetry of the population to assess the impact of large-scale radiation accidents

Author: V.F. Stepanenko

Reference: Dissertation, 2009

Keywords: dosimeter,

Abstract: The problems associated with the management and mitigation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (decision-making, adequate preventive measures and medical treatment, radiation-epidemiological assessment), since the date of the start of this study, in both the early period after the accident and in the subsequent years, it has been demanding an appropriate dosimetric security.

URL: http://knu.znate.ru/docs/index-442776.html

Features of health of children from areas with ecological trouble

Author: L.A. Sheplyagina

Reference: Dissertation, 1995

Keywords: health problems, irrational economic and domestic activities

Abstract: Recent years have been characterized by negative tendencies in the health of children: there is steady increase in disease, especially in its chronic form … Among the many factors, affecting the health of the younger generation, are those inducing tense environmental conditions in many regions of Russia. As a result of many years of irrational economic and domestic activities in, nature have accumulated hundreds of harmful substances …. Health problems, associated with industrial pollution, deepened by the Chernobyl accident, is seen as results of radio-contamination in 17 regions of Russia.

URL   http://inim-rao.ru/mode.7635-item.83342-type.html

Scientific – methodological bases to evaluate individually absorbed doses to the thyroid gland in the population after a major radiation accident

Author: S.M. Shinkarev

Reference: Dissertation, 2009

Keywords: absorbed doses

Abstract: Development of scientific – methodological bases of estimation of individually absorbed doses of radiation (radioactive isotopes of iodine) in the thyroid gland as results of operational radiometric survey of the population at large radiation accident. For example: the inhabitants of Belarus after the Chernobyl accident.
URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/nauchno-metodicheskie-osnovy-otsenki-individualnykh-pogloshchennykh-doz-v-shchitovidnoi-zhel?_openstat=cmVmZXJ1bi5jb207bm9kZTthZDE7

Thyroid disorders in children exposed to radiation from the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Author: I.N. Yakovleva

Reference: Dissertation, 2008

Keywords: nontoxic goiter, auto-immune thyroiditis, thyroid cancer

Abstract: The aim of the study is to assess the characteristics of thyroid disease (diffusion-nontoxic goiter, auto-immune thyroiditis, thyroid cancer) in children exposed to ionizing radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident and living in iodine deficient areas, from the point of view of their prevalence, etiology and pathogenesis, reactivity changes occurring in the various segments of the child’s adaptive system… to justify the tactics of treatment and prevention of this disease.
URL: http://www.mif-ua.com/archive/article/7765

Thyroid cancer in children and teenagers in the conditions of iodine deficiency and radiation pollution

Author: D.E. Shilin

Reference: Dissertation, 2002

Keywords: perinatal stage, iodine deficiency

Abstract: The urgency of the problem. The diverse thyroid pathology has a leading position in the structure of endocrine diseases in humans, beginning to form already in childhood and adolescence. Diseases of thyroid gland (TG) are distributed especially in regions with iodine deficiency in the biosphere. Endemic goiter and other health disorders, related to iodine deficiency, present severe medical and social problem, which has been intensively studied in the last decade in Russia and abroad. New indicators and criteria of severity of the disease (WHO, 1994) are developed and effectively used, along with the recommendations of physiological needs of micronutrients (WHO, 1996). Negative impact on the child’s body with deficiency of thyroid hormones caused by even a slight decrease in the supply of iodine, is proven, especially in the perinatal stage of development.
URL:  http://leb.nlr.ru/edoc/58274/

Ultrasonic diagnosis of thyroid pathology in children exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident

Title: Ultrasonic diagnosis of thyroid pathology in children exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident

Author: Drozd Valentina Mikhailovna



Keywords: thyroid gland, ultrasonic diagnosis, child’s age, screening, dosimetry, morphology of thyroid cancer.

Abstract: 6895 children and adolescents aged 4 to 17 years from contaminated areas of Gomel, Mogilev and Brest region (6383) and control Braslav district of Vitebsk region were studied.

The goal of present investigation was to elaboration of complex program of early detection of thyroid pathology in children and improving, on its basis, of clinical and sonomorphological criteria of topical and nosological diagnostics.

As a result of performed investigation improved method of thyroid sonography has been worked out and introduced into clinical practice. This software method allows to reveal thyroid pathology at an early stage in 50-100% of patients, to form risk groups, to effectively select patients for surgery, to carry out dynamic control of carcinoma and to reveal thyroid cancer recurrences.

During ultrasonic screening of children from Khoiniky region an increased prevalence of different changes of thyroid ultrasonic picture including thyroid cancer was revealed compared to control region.

A significant increase in thyroid hyperplasia, changes of thyroid ultrasonic pictures, characteristic of endemic areas were found during repeated screening.

Peculiarities of ultrasonic picture in main forms of thyroid pathology in children were revealed and described. According to ultrasonic data nodular and diffuse forms of thyroid cancer were classified, one of the possible reasons for relatively high incidence of extrathyroid spread of thyroid cancer could be both aggressive behaviour of tumour and its close to capsule location.

Practical recommendations for early diagnosis and adequate follow-up of patients with thyroid pathology have been worked out.


Evaluation of radiation risk of thyroid cancer for the population of the contaminated areas of Russia after the Chernobyl accident

Author: K.A. Tumanov

Reference: Dissertation, candidate of biology, Obninsk, 2012

Keywords: NRER survey, SIR, ERR

Abstract: The aim of the thesis is to study the dynamics of thyroid cancer incidence of the population living in the contaminated areas of Russia, according to the data of NRER (National Radiation and Epidemiological Registry) collected during the observation period from 1986 to 2008. At the same time, estimates of the basic characteristics of radiation-epidemiological studies were given: the standardized incidence ratio (SIR) and excess relative risk (ERR).
URL:  http://earthpapers.net/otsenka-radiatsionnyh-riskov-zabolevaemosti-rakom-schitovidnoy-zhelezy-dlya-naseleniya-zagryaznennyh-radionuklidami-terri

The effectiveness of radioiodine therapy for patients suffering from thyroid cancer with metastases to the lungs and mediastinum

Author: N.V. Podolkhova

Reference: Dissertation, 2007

Keywords: radioiodine therapy, metastasis, lung, mediastinum

Abstract: Development of more explicit testimony, evaluation and optimization of methods RIT for patients with thyroid cancer with metastases to the lungs and mediastinum. Based on the analysis of the data, we investigate the factors influencing the effectiveness of the treatment, to create optimal protocol of RIT for the patients.

URL:  http://medical-diss.com/medicina/effektivnost-radioyodterapii-u-bolnyh-rakom-schitovidnoy-zhelezy-s-metastazami-v-legkie-i-sredostenie

Thyroid cancer in children and adolescents in Russia after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Author: A.Yu. Abrosimov

Reference: Dissertation, 2004

Keywords: increased number on incidence, comparison, pre-accidental period, post-accidental period

Abstract: The accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (CNPP) April 26, 1986 turned out to be a disaster with psychological, social and health consequences for a large number of people. Release of significant quantities of radionuclide iodine led millions of people in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine to radiation exposure of the thyroid gland (TG). After a few years, thyroid cancer (TC) became reality, which is still existent at present.

Before Chernobyl, in all countries thyroid cancer among children had been considered a rare disease. In Belarus, within the pre-accident period of 15 years, thyroid cancer was diagnosed in 8 children, 21 adolescents, aged 15 to 18 years, and 1,465 patients aged 19 years and older. Over the 15-year period after the accident (1986-2000), thyroid cancer was diagnosed in 703 children, 267 adolescents and 6719 adults. From 1990 to 2000 it was diagnosed in 674 children, 262 adolescents and 564 young adults who, at the time of the accident, were from 0 to 18 years old (Demidchik EP et al., 2002). After the accident, the incidence of thyroid cancer increased, compared to the pre-accident period, in children 88.5 times, in adolescents – 11.8 times, in adults – 4.6 times. In Ukraine, within the 5-years pre-accident period (1981-1985), there were 25 cases of thyroid cancer in children, whereas in the subsequent 5-years period (1986-1990.) – 61 cases, and in the next 5 years (1991 – 1995). -220 cases (Tronko ND et al., 2002). The incidence of thyroid cancer in children of Ukraine, in 1986-1990 increased 2.2 times, in 1991-1995 – 8 times, and in 1996-2000 – 8.2 times.

URL: http://www.referun.com/n/rak-schitovidnoy-zhelezy-u-detey-i-podrostkov-rossii-posle-avarii-na-chernobylskoy-aes

Thyroid cancer In children and adolescents In Ukraine and Its morphological characteristics following the Chornobyl accident.

Title: Thyroid cancer In children and adolescents In Ukraine and Its morphological characteristics following the Chornobyl accident.

Author: Bogdanova Т. I.

Reference: Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Biological Science; speciality 14.01.14 – biological endocrinology; V.P.Komlssa-renko Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kylv. 1996.

Abstract: Forty scientific papers containing the data on dynamics of thyroid cancer in children and adolescents in Ukraine following the Chernobyl accident. Its morphological (light and electromlcroscoplc. lmmunohlstochemlcal) characteristics are defended. A significant Increase In the thyroid cancer Incidence In children has been observed since 1990, particularly in the most contaminated areas. A solld-folllcular variant of papillary carcinoma was Identified as the most specific for post-Chernobyl cancers In children and adolescents. These tumours are characterised by highly Invasive properties, pronounced Immunoposltlve reaction to various oncogenes and growth factors which cause their aggressive biological behavior, with high incidence of regional and distant metastases. An increase In relative risk of the development of this variant of papillary carcinoma in children has been revealed, this depending upon the thyroid radiation dose during the Chernobyl accident, which proves the radiation genesis of the tumours studied.

