Title: The Lesson learned from the Chernobyl Accident and the Data from Atomic Bomb Survivors ―For Understanding the Fukushima Daiichi Accident and the Robustness of the Human Body to Ionizing Radiation ―
Author: Ken-ichiroSUGIYAMA
Reference: [PDF-2MB]April 12, 2011
Abstract: …prevailing wind. The Chernobyl reactor was completely…330km Gomel ~130km Chernobyl The Distribution of Cesium…of Radiation from the Chernobyl Disaster 1. When the…about 1,800 cases of thyroid cancer in children according…
URL: http://ocw.hokudai.ac.jp/OpenLecture/Symposium/2011/FukushimaNuclearPowerPlant/page/materials/FukushimaNuclearPowerPlant-2011-Slide-02.pdf
Title: A prospective study evaluating the accuracy of using combined clinical factors and candidate diagnostic markers to refine the accuracy of thyroid fine needle aspiration biopsy
Author: Mathur, Aarti / Weng, Julie / Moses, Willieford / Steinberg, Seth M. / Rahabari, Reza / Kitano, Mio / Khanafshar, Elham / (…) / Kebebew, Electron
Reference: Surgery, 148 (6), p.1170-1177, Dec 2010
doi: 10.1016/j.surg.2010.09.025
Abstract: …48 Family history of thyroid malignancy 47 .069 Prior…4 .0015 Number of thyroid nodules in patients…for prior malignancy 12 Chernobyl accident 9 Occupational…conventional papillary thyroid cancer and 1.5 cm or less…
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0039606010005179
Title: Navigating Fukushima: Lessons from Chernobyl, Potential Radiation and Other Health Impacts
Author: An Interview with Dr. Scott Davis By Rebecca Kennedy
Reference: [PDF-548K]Apr 2011 The National Bureau of Asian Research
Abstract: …into the atmosphere at Chernobyl was substantially greater…10% of the output at Chernobyl. Although considerably less than Chernobyl, as you noted, many…likely effect will be thyroid diseases and thyroid cancer—particularly in people…
URL: http://www.nbr.org/downloads/pdfs/CHA/NBR_Davis_interview_04262011.pdf
Title: Signal transduction in the human thyrocyte and its perversion in thyroid tumors
Author: Roger, Pierre P. / van Staveren, Wilma C.G. / Coulonval, Katia / Dumont, Jacques E. / Maenhaut, Carine
Reference: Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 321 (1), p.3-19, May 2010
doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2009.11.015
Keywords: Signal transduction; Thyroid carcinomas; TSH pathways; Growth factor pathway; Models; Caveats
Abstract: …it. Since many widely used “thyroid” cancer cell lines have been found to derive from non-thyroid cancers ( Schweppe et al., 2008…reported to increase proliferation in thyroid cancer cell lines ( Zeng et al., 2007…
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0303720709005802
Title: A multilevel analysis of long-term psychological distress among Belarusians affected by the Chernobyl disaster
Author: Beehler, G.P. / Baker, J.A. / Falkner, K. / Chegerova, T. / Pryshchepava, A. / Chegerov, V. / Zevon, M. / (…) / Moysich, K.B.
Reference: Public Health, 122 (11), p.1239-1249, Nov 2008
doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2008.04.017
Keywords: Belarus; Chernobyl nuclear accident; Radiation accidents; Cross-sectional studiesクロス; Psychological stress
Abstract: …is often less clear. The Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster…radiation contamination from Chernobyl has typically failed to…outcomes other than childhood thyroid cancer. 2–4 However, the Chernobyl disaster is a…
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0033350608001236
Title: Medical monitoring results of survivors with acute radiation syndrome after Chernobyl disaster
Author: Bebeshko, Volodymyr G / Kovalenko, Alexander N / Belyi, David A / Bazyka, Dimitry A / Chumak, Anatoliy A / Sushko, Victor A / Gayiday, Vasyl M
Reference: International Congress Series, 1258, p.115-122, Nov 2003
doi: 10.1016/S0531-5131(03)01219-6
Keywords: Chernobyl accident; Acute radiation syndrome;Monitoring
Abstract: A 16-year experience in the follow-up of survivors with acute radiation syndrome (ARS) caused by the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident is presented. Oncohematological diseases and sudden cardiac death were at the top of the list as causes of death. In the 16th year after the accident, the number of people with hematological syndromes was halved in comparison with the earliest 2 years observation. The radiation-induced combined immunodeficiency of 1986–1987 decreased in the later period of recovery. Nervous system disorders were characterized by a gradual increase in organic changes in the central nervous system. Endocrine system diseases were nodular goiter, thyroid carcinoma, hypothyroidism and diabetes….
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0531513103012196
Title: La protection de la thyroïde de l’enfant et du fœtus en cas d’accident nucléaire
Author: Vernis, M / Hindie, E / Galle, P
Reference: Archives de Pédiatrie, 4 (5), p.473-479, May 1997
doi: 10.1016/S0929-693X(97)86679-1
Keywords: nuclear accident; thyroid cancer; child; iodide prophylaxis; iodine
Abstract: …The analysis of complications following the nuclear accidents of Marshall Islands in 1954 and Tchernobyl in 1986 has shown that newborn infants and young children have the highest risk, the main complications being cancer (papillary carcinoma) and hypothyroidism. In the most exposed areas of Bielorussia, the incidence of child thyroid cancer has been approximately multiplied by 100. On the other hand, studies of children from Utah who were contaminated after nuclear tests in the Nevada desert have shown that following mild iodine radioactive exposure, the risk is not significant. Among complications attributed to stable iodine, only those related to an oral intake over a limited period of time should be considered. On the basis of nuclear medicine experience and scientific literature, the risk can be considered as negligible in adults but not in children….
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0929693X97866791
Title: Chernobyl Studies Project: Working group 7.0, Environmental transport and health effects. Progress report, March–September 1994
Author: Anspaugh, L.R. / Hendrickson, S.M. [eds.]
Reference: DOE Scientific and Technical Informatio Dec 1994
doi: 10.2172/112330
Abstract: …associated with the Chernobyl accident, and (3…broader in scope than just Chernobyl, and the agreement…a direct part of the Chernobyl Project. However…See Section 7.2F – Thyroid Studies for the resolution…childhood-thyroid cancer. III. Significant…
Title: Rearrangements of NTRK1 gene in papillary thyroid carcinoma
Author: Greco, A. / Miranda, C. / Pierotti, M.A
Reference: Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 321 (1), p.44-49, May 2010
doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2009.10.009
Keywords: NTRK1; Gene rearrangement; Papillary thyroid tumor
Abstract: …starting from papillary thyroid tumor DNA. Transforming…isolated from papillary thyroid tumors are reported in Table…radioiodine released from the Chernobyl reactor a high rate of…event in the process of thyroid carcinogenesis. Transgenic…penetrance of thyroid cancer and shortens the latency…
Title: Chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes and clastogenic factors in plasma detected in Belarus children 10 years after Chernobyl accident
Author: Gemignani, Federica / Ballardin, Michela / Maggiani, Francesca / Rossi, Anna M / Antonelli, A / Barale, Roberto
Reference: Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 446 (2), p.245-253, Dec 1999
doi: 10.1016/S1383-5718(99)00194-1
Keywords: Chromosome aberrant cells; Lymphocytes; Clastogenic factors; Belarus; Chernobyl accident
Abstract: In 1996, 10 years after Chernobyl accident, a cytogenetic analysis was carried out to assess whether chromosome aberrant cells (CA) were still detectable in the lymphocytes and clastogenic factors (CFs) were present in the plasma of children coming from Gomel (Belarus), one of the most heavily contaminated regions. Furthermore, the possible contribution of plasmatic CFs to the amount of CA was investigated. The presence of CA was examined in the lymphocytes from 29 thyroid tumour-affected children and 41 healthy children (local controls). Thirty healthy children living in Pisa (Italy) were enrolled in the study as additional controls from an uncontaminated area….
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1383571899001941