Title: Chromosome analysis of peripheral lymphocytes from persons exposed to radioactive fallout in Norway from the Chernobyl accident
Author: A. Brøgger, J.B. Reitan, P. Strand, I. Amundsen
Reference: Mutation Research 361 (1996) 73-79
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0165-1161(96)90241-1
Keywords: Chromosome aberration; Chernobyl fallout; Radiation burden; Norwegian population
Abstract: Chromosome analysis of peripheral lymphocytes from two Norwegian populations (44 reindeer herding South samis from Røros and Snåsa, 12 sheep farmers from Valdres) exposed to fallout from the Chernobyl accident were made. The doses from caesium through the years 1987–1991 were calculated based on whole-body measurement of 134Cs and 137Cs giving a total cumulative mean internal dose of 5.54 mSv for the total group of 56 persons. Chromosome aberrations were within the normal range when compared with historical controls with the exception of dicentrics (0.3% per cell, which is a 10-fold increase) and rings (0.07% per cell). A dose-dependent increase in dicentrics and rings based on caesium exposure was not observed.
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165116196902411
Author: Onishchenko, Natalya Petrovna.
Reference: Dissert. Cand. Med. Sci. – Smolensk: 2003.
Keywords: pancreatitis, liquidators
Abstract: Our aim is to determine the characteristics of the course of chronic pancreatitis among the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident to improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment of this disease.
URL:http://www.dissercat.com/content/osobennosti-techeniya-khronicheskogo-pankreatita-u-uchastnikov-likvidatsii-posledstvii-avari http://leb.nlr.ru/edoc/47581/Особенности-течения-хронического-панкреатита-у-участников-ликвидации-последствий-аварии-на-Чернобыльской-атомной
Author: Soldatkin, Viktor Aleksandrovich.
Reference: Dissert. Cand. Med. Sci., Moscow: 2002.
Keywords: liquidators
Abstract: Our aim is to establish a structural-dynamic model of the development of mental disorders among liquidators of the Chernobyl accident and to study some of its pathogenetic mechanisms to develop clinical and pathogenetic model of diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations on a professional level.
URL: http://centerphoenix.ru/biblioteka/avtoreferaty/683-psikhicheskie-rasstrojstva-u-uchastnikov-likvidatsii-posledstvij-avarii-na-chernobylskoj-atomnoj-elektrostantsii-kliniko-patogenicheskij-podkhod http://leb.nlr.ru/edoc/46620/Психические-расстройства-у-участников-ликвидации-последствий-аварии-на-Чернобыльской-атомной-электростанции
Author: Ratobylskih, Alexander Alekseevna.
Reference: Dissertation, Perm: 2003
Keywords: Health protection, Medical sciences, Neuropathology, Nervous system, Diseases of the nervous system, Physical factors in etiology, Mental diseases, Liquidators
URL: http://leb.nlr.ru/edoc/45617/Состояние-сегментарного-отдела-вегетативной-нервной-системы-у-участников-ликвидации-последствий-Чернобыльской
Author: Agaltsov, Mihail Viktorovich
Reference: dissert. 14.00.06 Moscow.: 2003
Keywords: Cardiology, liquidators
Abstract: Aim of our research was to create optimal complex of functional methods of studies on the cardiovascular systems of liquidators in the remote period after the accident, for diagnosis, establishment of therapeutic means, creation of dispanserisation and objectivization of solutions on a professional level.
URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/sutochnyi-profil-serdechnogo-ritma-i-arterialnogo-davleniya-u-likvidatorov-posledstvii-avari
Author: Shamov, Leonid Sergeyevich
Reference: dissert. St. Petersbourg: 2004.
Abstract: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the medico-social significance of alcoholism among the Chernobyl liquidators and to develop recommendations for early detection of alcohol dependence and to study the chronic alcoholism. We developed a special “Map of survey, conducted by doctors-narcologists-psychiatrist, on patients undergoing treatment” and guidelines for its management in order to improve the dynamic monitoring of the liquidators to timely conduct appropriate corrective treatment.
URL: http://leb.nlr.ru/edoc/35986/Клинико-эпидемиологическая-характеристика-алкогольной-болезни-у-участников-ликвидации-последствий-аварии-на
Author: Ionova, O.M.
Reference: diss. Ivanovo: 2004
Abstract: Our aim is to detect and understand the characteristics of health of children born from liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, and to propose prophylactic measures in response to its negative effects, combining therapeutic, rehabilitative and medico-social means.
URL: http://www.referun.com/n/dinamika-zdorovya-detey-rodivshihsya-ot-likvidatorov-avarii-na-chernobylskoy-aes-i-profilaktika-ego-narusheniy
Ключевые слова:нервная система
Author: Mamatova, Natalia Tikhonova
Reference: Thesism, St. Petersburg.: 2004
Keywords: Nervous System
Abstract: The object of the current study is to identify features of violations of the functional state of the brain among the liquidators, of the Chernobyl accident, having dyscirculatory encephalopathy. 1. To study the clinical manifestations of dyscirculatory encephalopathy among the Chernobyl clean-up workers. 2. To determine, using EEG, the level and intensity of damage to the central nervous system at different stages of chronic insufficiency of cerebral blood flow. 3. To compare results of studies of cognitive functions, obtained in psychological testing and analysis at different stages of chronic insufficiency of cerebral blood flow.
Author: Luk’yanova, Gennadevna Alena.
Reference: dissertation Moscow: BI: 1998.
Keywords: Hematology and blood transfusion
URL: http://leb.nlr.ru/edoc/249373/Показатели-лимфоцитов-крови-детей-российского-Чернобыля-в-течение-лет-после-аварии-на-ЧАЭС
Reference: Moscow, 1998
Keywords: genetic effects, plant, contamination of environment
Abstract: Our aim was to evaluate genetic processes in plant populations under radioactive contamination resulting from a large-scale accident at a nuclear industry.