
The press within a man-made (technogenic) disaster of global proportions

Title: The press within a man-made (technogenic) disaster of global proportions
Author: Gegel, Igor Vladimirovich
Reference: Moscow, 2011
Keywords: press(information media), man-made disaster (technogenic), journalism, media-psychology, Soviet press, The Era of Glasnost’, modern journalism, publicism of disasters
Abstract: The aim of the study is to develop a scientific apparatus for monitoring interaction between the government and the press in an emergency situation, determining the optimal models of the editorial office information strategy and professional activities of journalists during man-made disasters (technogenic); learning of situational formats and genres of the disasters’ publicisim.

The physiological condition of the body and productive qualities of calves in ontogenesis under different environmental conditions and economic growth

Title: The physiological condition of the body and productive qualities of calves in ontogenesis under different environmental conditions and economic growth

Author: Korostelyov, Alexander

Reference: Bryansk, 2011

Keywords: ontogenesis, animals, bulls, ecology, genetics, physiology, productivity

Abstract: The main goal of the research – based on a thorough study of the influence of various density of radioactive contamination on the physiological function and productivity of the animals, to develop the concept of development of cattle breeding in the area of radioactive contamination and recommendations on technology of cultivation and feeding calves, in addition breeding cattle bulls of the black-and-white breed that ensures high productivity.


Evaluation and prediction of radio-ecological situation in radiation accidents with the release of particles of irradiated nuclear fuel: the example of Chernobyl

Title: Evaluation and prediction of radio-ecological situation in radiation accidents with the release of particles of irradiated nuclear fuel: the example of Chernobyl

Author: Kashparov, Valery Alexandrovich

Reference: Kiev, 1999

Keywords: radiobiology, forecasting, nuclear fuel, 90Sr

Abstract: The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the main processes of formation of radiological patterns of behavior in the environment of biologically significant radionuclides composed of fuel particles deposited after the Chernobyl accident, their parameterization based on the study of the properties of radioactive fallout and the characteristics of the environment, zoning and mapping of near-field accident zone for long-term forecasting of redistribution of radionuclides in the components of soil and vegetation cover, as well as the assessment of the radiological significance access of fuel particles into humans and farm animals.


The possibility of recreational use of forests on the radioactively contaminated areas of Bryansk region

Title: The possibility of recreational use of forests on the radioactively contaminated areas of Bryansk region

Author: Levkina, Galina Valeryevna

Reference: Moscow, 2000

Keywords: Bryansk region, recreational forest management

Abstract: The purpose of the study – to evaluate the possibilities and determine the features and limitations of the recreational forest management on the radioactively contaminated areas of the Bryansk region.


Neurological, neuropsychological and neurophysiological manifestations of premature aging in participants of liquidation of the Chernobyl accident.

Title: Neurological, neuropsychological and neurophysiological manifestations of premature aging in participants of liquidation of the Chernobyl accident

Author: Kholodova, Nina Balaevna

Reference: Moscow, 2011

Keywords: gerontology, geriatrics, neurologic manifestations, neuropsychological manifestations, neurophysiological manifestations, premature aging, liquidators

Abstract: The aim of this study was the development of the concept of premature aging of organism in liquidators working in the area of Chernobyl accident in 1986-87, during long-term after the works of liquidation of the accident’ consequences.


The Russian law on social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, and the problems of its improvement

Title: The Russian law on social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, and the problems of its improvement

Author: Kiselev, Igor Nikolayevich

Reference: Moscow, 2000

Keywords: social protection of citizens, Russian legislation

Abstract: The aim of the dissertation’s research to analyze the formation and development of the law on social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident, and the definition of the main directions of its improvement, consideration of problems arising in the process of rulemaking and enforcement, the development of evidence-based recommendations for their resolution.


Clinical and psycho-physiological features of the course of peptic ulcer in liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, the effectiveness of reflex methods in the treatment and rehabilitation

Title: Clinical and psycho-physiological features of the course of peptic ulcer in liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, the effectiveness of reflex methods in the treatment and rehabilitation

Author: Listopadov, Yuri Ivanovich

Reference: St. Petersburg, 2002

Keywords: peptic ulcer disease, reflex methods, physical methods, comprehensive treatment, rehabilitation, liquidators

Abstract: The purpose of the study. Based on the study of clinical and psycho-physiological characteristics of the course of peptic ulcer in liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the long term to justify the optimal patterns of use of reflex and physical therapies in the treatment and their rehabilitation.


Psychology of children mythology and folklore: Based on the material of children and adolescents research in the Resp. of Belarus in post-catastrophe situation

Title: Psychology of children mythology and folklore: Based on the material of children and adolescents research in the Resp. of Belarus in post-catastrophe situation

Author: Hazey, Svetlana Anatolyevna

Reference: Moscow, 1998

Keywords: Educational psychology, children, mythology, folklore, teens, Belarus

Abstract: The aim of this research;To identify the psychological characteristics of existence of mythology, folklore, through the analysis of true stories, horror stories, magic, games, as well as compositions, paintings in the subculture of children and adolescents aged 7-15 years in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.


Architectural principles of building design of services of social and psychological care for children: for radiation-contaminated areas

Title: Architectural principles of building design of services of social and psychological care for children: for radiation-contaminated areas

Author: Burykina, Galina Dmitrievna

Reference: Moscow, 1999

Keywords: social and psychological assistance, architecture, building design, children

Abstract: The aim of the dissertation is to reduce the negative social and psychological consequences of the Chernobyl accident for children by creating a favorable architectural environment in the buildings of social and psychological assistance.



Management of agricultural land use on the contaminated territories

Title: Management of agricultural land use on the contaminated territories

Author: Sukhorukova, Irina Vladimirovna

Reference: Moscow, 2002

Keywords: agricultural land, economic-ecological models, environment, animal husbandry, land use, crop production, management

Abstract: The aim of the dissertation research is to develop theoretical and methodological aspects, scientific and methodological approaches and practical guidelines governing the management of contaminated agricultural land in order to ensure sustainable development.

