
Some features of radio-cesium’s behavior in ecosystems of the Kaluga region

Title: Some features of radio-cesium’s behavior in ecosystems of the Kaluga region

Author: Kokoreva, Valentina Viktorovna

Reference: Kaluga, 2007

Keywords: ecosystem, radiocesium, bio-absorption, Kaluga region

Abstract: The aim of the thesis was to study the characteristics of the behavior of radioactive cesium in a variety of natural and man-made ecosystems in Kaluga region during the period of 1992 to 2006.


Radio-ecological justification of long-term forecasting of radiation environment on agricultural land in the event of a major nuclear accidents, for example: Chernobyl NPP accident

Title: Radio-ecological justification of long-term forecasting of radiation environment on agricultural land in the event of a major nuclear accidents, for example: Chernobyl NPP accident

Author: Ivanov, Uriy Alexandrovich

Reference: Kiev, 1997

Keywords: ecosystem, radiocesium, farmland, forecasting

Abstract: The purpose and objectives of research. The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the basic laws of biologically significant behavior of radionuclides release in Chernobyl NPP (137Cs, 90Sr and 239’240Pu) into soils of Ukraine affected by radioactive contamination, assessment of the specific features significance of the post-accident situation (heterogeneity of soil’s surface and the characteristics of territory’s radioactive contamination, multiplicity of radioactive fallout forms, marked mottling of radioactive contamination of the territory) the intensity of radionuclides’ inclusion in biogeochemical chain migration and specificity of radiation exposure doses formation, long-term prognosis of radionuclides redistribution, released into the components of soil and vegetation layer/surface.


Post-traumatic stress disorder in liquidators of the Chernobyl accident in long term period: clinical factors, pathomorphosis, questions of medical and social assessment

Title: Post-traumatic stress disorder in liquidators of the Chernobyl accident in long term period: clinical factors, pathomorphosis, questions of medical and social assessment

Author: Stepanov. Alexey Lvovich

Reference: Moscow, 2006

Keywords: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), liquidators, rehabilitation

Abstract: Objectives of the study.
1. To study the clinical features of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) in the long term that evolved in liquidators of the Chernobyl accident.
2. To study the dynamics of PTSD among liquidators in the long term.
3. To compare clinical and psychopathological characteristics of PTSD in participants of accident liquidation and participants in military actions.
4. Highlight the diagnostic criteria for PTSD in liquidators that are relevant to expert
decision making.
5. To develop principles and rehabilitation methods in liquidators effected by PTSD arising in liquidation of radiological accident aftermath.


Informational and psychological protection of the population at the radioactively contaminated territories of Russia and Belarus following the Chernobyl accident in the late (distant) period

Title: Informational and psychological protection of the population at the radioactively contaminated territories of Russia and Belarus following the Chernobyl accident in the late (distant) period

Author: Simonov, Alexander Vasilyevich

Reference: Moscow, 2010

Keywords: Russia, Belarus, informational-psychological protection, contaminated areas

Abstract: Study aim: justification of the concept (principles of structural – functional model) and organizational-methodological provision of the population with informational-psychological protection living at the radioactively contaminated areas in Belarus and Russia in the late period following the Chernobyl accident.


Theory and practice of psychological and educational assistance to children and adolescents in post catastrophic terms.

Title: Theory and practice of psychological and educational assistance to children and adolescents in post catastrophic terms.

Author: Tkachenko, Alexey Stefanovich

Reference: Bryansk, 1997

Keywords: psycho-pedagogical assistance, children, adolescents, post catastrophic terms

Abstract: The purpose of the study – to develop a scientific basis of psychological and educational assistance to children and adolescents in post catastrophic conditions following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.


Radio-ecological measures justification to reduce radiation loads in the population by using livestock’s contaminated products.

Title: Radio-ecological measures justification to reduce radiation loads in the population by using livestock’s contaminated products.

Author: Averin, Victor Sergeyevich

Reference: Gomel, 1999

Keywords: population, animal husbandry, 90Sr, 137Cs

Abstract: Research aim: Based on the study of behavior patterns ~ Cs and Sr in the animals’ body, the choice of methodology usage forage and evaluation of the expected collective dose, formed in the population as a result of purposeful flows change of radionuclides in the biological chain→soil – plant – animal – human; to develop radio-ecological justification of measures to reduce radiation loads within the population by using livestock’s contaminated products


Variability of Norway spruce reproductive and growth processes in various areas of chronic radioactive contamination of Bryansk region Chernobyl zone’s broad-leaved forests.

Title: Variability of Norway spruce reproductive and growth processes in various areas of chronic radioactive contamination of Bryansk region Chernobyl zone’s broad-leaved forests.

Author: Alyeshin, Igor Vladimirovich

Reference: Bryansk, 2006

Keywords: Bryansk region, spruce, dendrology, ecology

Abstract: The purpose of the study – to study the variability of reproductive and growth processes of Norway spruce in various areas of chronic radioactive contamination of Bryansk region Chernobyl zone’s broad-leaved forests.


Features of physical development and functional state of the child and adolescent population of Bryansk region in areas with abrupt changes in ecosystem composition of the environment

Title: Features of physical development and functional state of the child and adolescent population of Bryansk region in areas with abrupt changes in ecosystem composition of the environment

Author: Korsakov Anton Vyacheslavovich

Reference: Bryansk, 2006

Keywords: Bryansk region, population, physical development, functional status, child population, adolescent population

Abstract: The purpose of the study – to study the effect of the emergency radioactive, man-made (technogenic) toxic-chemical and combined radiation-toxic pollution of the environment on physical development and functional state of Bryansk region’s child and adolescent population.


Variability cowberry induced contamination Chernobyl: The forest ecosystems of the Southern Black Earth Region of Russia

Title: Variability cowberry induced contamination Chernobyl: The forest ecosystems of the Southern Black Earth Region of Russia

Author: Borzdyko Yelena Vasilyeva

Reference: Bryansk, 2006

Keywords: Southern Non-Black Earth area (Russian Federation), cowberry, ecosystem, contamination

Abstract: The purpose of the study. In terms of radioactive contamination of forest ecosystems of the Southern Non-Black Earth Region of Russia, to explore the morphological diversity of cowberry, its mitotic and meiotic activity, the duration of the individual phases of mitosis, the main types of chromosomal abnormalities, pollen viability, the relationship of exposure dose power/rate (MED) and the specific activity (SA) of radionuclides in the soil and phytomass, to determine the transition and accumulation of radionuclides in the phytomass, the influence of moss on specific activity 137Cs in leaves and its dynamics in fresh berries.


Experience of Chernobyl Nuclear accident aftermath liquidation: activities of USSR state officials during the 1986 – 1991 years.

Title: Experience of Chernobyl Nuclear accident aftermath liquidation: activities of USSR state officials during the 1986 – 1991 years.

Author: Dyachenko, Anatoly Alexandrovich

Reference: Moscow, 2002

Keywords: consequences of the disaster, liquidation, government agencies

Abstract: The purpose of the study. Based on the study and analysis of documents and materials, to assess the experience and identify the positive and negative aspects of the government activities in the aftermath of the disaster and to develop theoretical and practical recommendations to improve public governance structure in case of emergencies.

