
Genetic consequences of irradiation in scots pine Pinus sylvestris L. population (English)

Author: Oficerov M.V., Igonina E.V.

Reference: Gazette “ ГЕНЕТИКА” (genetics), 2009

ISSN: 1022-7954

DOI: 10.1134/S1022795409020082

Keywords: Scots pine, contamination, genetics

Abstract: The genetic consequences of irradiation were studied in a Scots pine population from a region contaminated as a result of the Chernobyl meltdown. Mutations of isozyme loci were not detected in seeds collected from trees of the first post-meltdown generation in 2004. The frequency of cells with chromosome aberrations in the root meristem of seedlings grown from the seeds did not differ from the control level. A deviation from the expected ratio 1:1 was observed for some isozyme alleles in endosperms of seeds obtained from heterozygous trees.

URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19334615

Dose estimation to woody plants in the long term after the Chernobyl accident // Radiation Biology. Radioecology. 2008. V. 48.

Author: S.I. Spiridonov, S.V. Fesenko, S.A. Geras’kin, V.M. Solomatin, E.I. Karpenko

Reference: Gazette “РАДИАЦИОННАЯ БИОЛОГИЯ. РАДИОЭКОЛОГИЯ “ (Radiation Biology, Radioecology), 2010

ISSN: 0869-8031

DOI: 10.1134/S086980310804005X

Keywords: load of radionuclides in pine trees, dose of exposure, dosimetric models

Abstract: Dosimetric models are designed to assess the exposure dose of woody plants

growing in areas contaminated by long-lived radionuclides. The models are parameterized using data obtained in experimental plots in the south-western districts of the Bryansk region affected by radioactive fallout from the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Estimates the dose of exposure in the generative organs of pine trees located in these areas. Describes content of various sources and types of ionized radiation in the formation of loads of radionuclides in the specified objects.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=11036091

Biological effects of chronic radiation exposure on plant populations

Author: Geras’kin SA, Udalova AA, Dikareva NS, Mozolin EM, Chernonog EV, Prytkova IuS, Dikarev VG, Novikova TA.

Reference: Gazette “РАДИАЦИОННАЯ БИОЛОГИЯ. РАДИОЭКОЛОГИЯ “ (Radiation Biology, Radioecology), 2010

ISSN: 0869-8031

DOI: 10.1134/S0869803110040028

Keywords: plant, radioactivity, destruction of regularities, low level anthropogenic impact

Abstract: The findings from long-term field studies on biological effects in plant populations inhabiting radioactively contaminated territories contrast in levels and compositions of dose-forming radionuclides are presented. Plant populations developing under radioactive impact show enhanced frequencies of gene and chromosome mutations, and their reproductive potential is inferior to reference populations. Even relatively low levels of technogenic impact are able to increase genetic diversity and destroy regularities inherent for intact populations. Chronic radiation exposure from a certain level appears to be an ecological factor changing genetic structure of wild populations. Data presented indicate the presence of adaptation processes in plant populations in territories with technogenic impact. Under ecological stress, there are selection processes for resistance improvement in plant populations. But an appearance and rate of this process can essentially differ in dependence on radioecological conditions.

URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20968048

Radioecological division of forest contaminated by radionuclides


Author: Maradukhin I.I., Zhukov E.A., Razdaivodin A.N., Radin A.I., Romashkin D.Yu.

Reference: Gazette “РАДИАЦИОННАЯ БИОЛОГИЯ. РАДИОЭКОЛОГИЯ “ (Radiation Biology, Radioecology), 2009

ISSN: 0869-8031

DOI: 10.1134/S0869803109040183

Keywords: forest, radiological division, radionuclides, rehabilitation, social and economic values

Abstract: Reviews scientific principles of specified radiological division (zoning) of forests contaminated by radionuclides due to the Chernobyl accident. Presents detailed ecological and silvicultural characteristics of radio-ecological regions. Suggests general classification of forest ecosystems on different groups of radioecological stability, based on the duration of rehabilitation of social and economic values and resource potentials of the forests after the radiation exposure.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=13856733

About production of normative-clean crop and forage under the condition of soil contamination by 137cs


Author: Panov A.V., Muzalevskaya A.A., Aleksakhin R.M., Vlasenko E.V., Prudnikov P.V.

Reference: Gazette “РАДИАЦИОННАЯ ГИГИЕНА” (radiation hygiene), 2008

ISSN: 1998-426x


Abstract: Presents forecast of maximum permissible levels of 137Cs contamination on agricultural land, on which the it is possible to obtain products that meet current standards, at different levels of protective measures in the contaminated areas. On the example of south-western districts of the Bryansk region an assessment is given on the production of radioecologically appropriate crop and forage, in the period after the land was contaminated by radioactive fallout.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=11992046

Basic reference of radioecological monitoring system in forest ecosystems at different stages after fallout of radioactivities


Author: Perevodsky A.N., Perevodskaya T.V.

Reference: Gazette “РАДИАЦИОННАЯ БИОЛОГИЯ. РАДИОЭКОЛОГИЯ “ (Radiation Biology, Radioecology), 2012

ISSN: 0869-8031

DOI: 10.1134/S0869803112030137

Keywords: forest contamination, 137cs, monitoring, phytomass of pine, various stages of contamination

Abstract: Based on years of research of 137Cs accumulating on above-ground phytomass of pine plantations. Predictive calculations of surface contamination elements of phytomass of pine plantations, after fallout of radioactivities.  Optimization of radiation monitoring in forests at different stages after an emergency contamination. Defines three stages in the formation of radio-ecological situation in the woods. Gives proposals for optimization of sampling for radioecological monitoring of forest ecosystems at various stages after radiation accident.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=17745990

Method of the Quantified Complete Estimation of Soil Properties for Prediction of Radinuclide Accumulation by Plants

Author: Prister B. S., Biesold H., Deville-Cavelin G.

Reference: Gazette “РАДИАЦИОННАЯ БИОЛОГИЯ. РАДИОЭКОЛОГИЯ “ (Radiation Biology, Radioecology), 2003

ISSN: 0869-8031

Keywords: plant, accumulation, estimation method

Abstract: A method is founded on consideration of soil as three-phase system where soil solution reaction (pH), absorbing capacity (E) and content of organic matter (OM) are the main characteristics. The method of complete estimation of soil properties (CESP) for quantified analysis of radionuclide soil-to-plant TF dependence on soil properties is grounded and proposed. The area of an effective section (relative units)2 calculated as an area of the triangle with apexes lying in co-ordinates of normalised vectors pH, E and OM in three-dimensional space for complete estimation is used. It is shown that the dependence of Cs TF to various crops on CESP can be approximated by equation of power law.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=17326259

Approach to estimate mutagenic effect of polluted water by cytogenetic method on bioindicator species Asellus aquaticus (Isopoda)

Author: Daev Evgeniy Vladislavovich, Dukelskaya Anna Vladimirovna, Kazarova Viktoriya Eduarovna

Reference: Gazette “ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ ГЕНЕТИКА“ (Ecologic genetics), 2009

ISSN: 1811-0932

Keywords: chromosomal aberrations, polluted water, Asellus aquaticus, ionizing radiation

Abstract: Elevated frequency of chromosomal aberrations revealed by anatelophase method in ponds and lakes corresponds to higher degree of anthropogenic pressure. Data obtained are compared with the influence of low-dose of ionizing radiation. Validity of the model for estimation of pollution degree and its mutagenic influence risk for human being is discussed.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=12942922

Chernobyl: Events and lessons: questions and answers

Author: V. Ya. Voznyak, A. P. Kovalenko, S. P. Troitsky

Reference: Politizat, 1989


Keywords: Liquiation, decontamination

Abstract: The author, V. Ya. Voznyak, was the head of the Soviet government’s Chernobil department between 1986 and 1990.

URL: http://doors.doshisha.ac.jp/webopac/ctlsrh.do?ncid=BA09879484

Residual radioactive contamination at the peaceful underground nuclear explosion sites “Craton-3″ and “Crystal” in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).


Author: Gedeonov AD, Petrov ER, Alexeev IN, Kuleshova VG, Savopulo ML, Burtsev IS, Shkroev VY, Arkhipov VI.

Reference: J Environ Radioact. 2002;60(1-2):221-34.


Keywords: peaceful underground nuclear explosion sites “Craton-3″ and “Crystal”, 137cs

Abstract: In this paper, results are reported on the concentrations and activity ratios of 137Cs, 239+240Pu and 238Pu in soils, lichen and bottom sediments collected at the peaceful underground nuclear explosion sites “Craton-3″ and “Crystal” (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), North-East Siberia). At the “Craton-3″ site, 239- 240Pu concentrations in the range 6.2 mBq/g to 5.9 Bq/g in surface soils (0-5 cm) and 239+240Pu concentrations up to 7.4 Bq/g in lichen were observed. The 137Cs concentration in measured soils range from 0.52 to 216 Bq/g for the near-plume and from 1.65 to 21.5 Bq/g for the far-plume. In lichen, 137Cs concentration varied from a global background level up to 251 Bq/g. Radioactive contamination at “Crystal” demonstrates an extremely irregular distribution of 239,240Pu and 137Cs in environmental samples taken at locations within 150 m radius of the site. Further work on compiling detailed maps of radioactive contamination of the territory around “Craton-3″ and “Crystal” is discussed.

URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11936609
