
Changes in parasitic systems of radiation biocenosis: In the zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.

Title: Changes in parasitic systems of radiation biocenosis: In the zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.

Author: Pelgunov, Andrey N.

Reference: Moscow, 2002

Keywords: Parasitology, biocenosis, mouselike  rodents

Abstract: [Summary: 1.Radioactive contamination of biocenosis characterized by multifactorial effects on the biota, and its effect on the parasitic system, manifested in multi-directional trends in the changes of elements of these systems. Changes in parasitic systems depend on the level of contamination of biocenosis.
2. Modern views on the radiosensitivity of the species of organisms (parasites included) formed on laboratory tests are not valid and cannot be used in the practice of radio-ecological studies. …]


Lava-like fuel containing masses of Unit 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Physico-chemical properties, the scenario of education, the impact on the environment

Title: Lava-like fuel containing masses of Unit 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Physico-chemical properties, the scenario of education, the impact on the environment

Author: Pazuhin, Edward M.

Reference: Chernobyl, 1999

Keywords: 4th block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, physical and chemical properties

Abstract: The tasks are: – to classify the Chernobyl lava; – explore the trails of the spread and localized lava-shaped mass of fuel; – examine the physical and chemical properties of LFCM on the macro and micro levels; – estimate the amount of fuel in the lavas; – to assess, to what degree some products of departure in the moment of creation of LFCM and their products of subsequent degradation influence the environment and what is the prognosis of their behavior.


Forest ecosystems: the forecast of effects of radioactive contamination and justification of protective measures

Title: Forest ecosystems: the forecast of radioactive contamination effects and justification of protective measures

Author: Spiridonov, Sergey A.

Reference: Obninsk, 2003

Keywords: forest ecosystems

Abstract: The aim of the thesis is to predict the effects of radioactive contamination of forest ecosystems and the rationale for the use of protective measures based on a set of radio-ecological models.


Comparative analysis of the radionuclide composition in fallout in near and far areas after the Chernobyl and the Fukushima accidents

Title: Comparative analysis of the radionuclide composition in fallout in near and far areas after the Chernobyl and the Fukushima accidents

Author: Kotenko K.V., Shinkarev S.M., Abramov Yu.V., Granovskaya E.O., Yatsenko V.N., Gavrilin Yu.I., Margulis U.Ya., Garetskaya O.S., Imanaka T., Hoshi M.

Reference:  Medicine of Labour and Industrial Ecology, Number: 10 Year: 2012 Pages: 1-5

ISSN: 1026-9428

Keywords:  Fukushima,   Chernobyl,   Radioactive fallout,   Iodine-131,   I37CS

Abstract: [The nuclear accident occurred at Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) (March 11, 2011) similarly to the accident at the Chernobyl NPP (April 26, 1986) is related to the level 7 of the INES. It is of interest to make an analysis of the radionuclide composition of the fallout following both accidents. The results of the spectrometric measurements were used in the following comparative analysis. …]


Cytogenetic comparison of Chironomidae-mosquito populations, Glyptotendipes glaucus (Meigen, 1818) (DIPTERA, CHIRONOMIDAE) of northwest of Russia and Ukraine (Chernobyl zone)

Title: Cytogenetic comparison of Chironomidae-mosquito populations, Glyptotendipes glaucus (Meigen, 1818) (DIPTERA, CHIRONOMIDAE) of northwest of Russia and Ukraine (Chernobyl zone)

Author: Petrova N. A., Zhirov S. V.

Reference:  Ecological Genetics, Volume: 9 Number: 2 Year: 2011 Pages: 9-16

ISSN:  1811-0932

Keywords:  Glyptotendipes glaucus ,   polytene chromosomes ,   inversion ,   functional change ,   water reservoirs of Russia ,   Chernobyl

Abstract: Functional properties of polytene chromosomes and chromosomal rearrangements in the salivary glands of 177 larvae Glyptotendipes glaucus (Diptera, Chironomidae), were being analyzed from the water reservoirs of Russia and Ukraine (Chernobyl). Resemblance of studied populations on the spectrum of chromosomal rearrangements were found.The common types of inversions in the shoulders of A, B, D and E were identified. The effect of Chernobyl contamination on functional changes in the nucleolus, Balbiani rings, puffs, morphology of the disks and interdisks was found.

URL: http://ecolgenet.ru/Arhive/2011_2/EG_11_02_09-16.pdf

Element composition of annual rings in pine from the areas of Chernobyl and Stony Tunguska

Title: Element composition of annual rings in pine from the areas of Chernobyl and Stony Tunguska

Author: Hvostov I.V., Kovalskaya G.A., Pavlov V.E.

Reference: Chemical Plant Material, 2011 (2) , 153-158

ISSN: 1029-5151

Keywords:  pinus sylvestris, element composition, Chernobyl, Tunguska, the linear correlation coefficient, average geometric concentrations

Abstract: The results of the statistical analysis of distribution of 31 chemical elements (are presented in this paper): K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr , Nb, Mo, ​​Ba, La, Ce, Sm, Hg, Pb, Bi, Th, and U by concentrations in Pinus sylvestris L. – Scots pine that grows in areas of Chernobyl and the Stony Tunguska.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=16754584

The usage of data bioavailability of radionuclides in highly soil of Savannah River to evaluate the effectiveness of doses from ingestion of Chernobyl soil

Title: The usage of bioavailability data of radionuclides in highly radioactive soil of Savannah River to evaluate the effectiveness of doses from ingestion of Chernobyl soil

Author: Chang O.U, Ellickson Christie M.

Reference:  Problems of Risk Analysis, Volume:  3 Number:  2 Year:  2006 Pages:  145-161

ISSN:  1812-5220

Keywords: Cesium-137, strontium-90, soil, bioavailability, dose, evaluation, Savannah River, Chernobyl

Abstract: A method for assessment of oral bioavailability of radionuclides in highly radioactive soil was developed, a bioavailability of 137Cs and 90Sr was measured.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=16368070

Radiation-contaminated areas affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant-Directions towards development. Round Table

Title:Radiation-contaminated areas affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant-Directions towards development. Round Table

Author: Voronov S.I., Sednyev V.A., Nerovnih A.N , Ovsyanik A.I., Mironov V.G.

Reference: FIRE AND EMERGENCY: Prevention and Suppression, 2010 (3) 4-13


Abstract:Not much time left before April 26, 2011, a quarter of a century since the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant had happened. In anticipation of this memorable date, the Academy of State Fire Service Emergency Russia (Moscow), arranged a Round Table, where participants spoke about the plans of socio-economic development of radiation-contaminated areas, with emphasis given to the creation of favorable conditions of life of people in these areas.


Release of Radioactive Aerosols from the Object “Shelter” during of Strong Winds

Author: Ogorodnikov B. I., Budyka A. K., Pavluchenko N. I.

Reference: Gazette  “РАДИАЦИОННАЯ БИОЛОГИЯ. РАДИОЭКОЛОГИЯ“ (Radiation bioligy, radioecology), 2005

doi: 614. 876:631.039.58

ISSN: 0869-8031

Keywords: radioactive aerosol, release of aerosol, ventilation system

Abstract: Results of measurements of radionuclide and disperse compositions of aerosols in ventilation system “Bypass” of the object “Shelter” of the Chernobyl NPP are presented. The “Bypass” is used for releasing contaminated air from the destroyed reactor of Block-IV to the atmosphere. In aerosols, the experimentally found ratio of 137Cs concentration to the sum of (β-emitting radionuclides more than 1.5 times exceeds the calculated ratio for nu-clear fuel (in December, 2003). Using the data of meteorological station “Chernobyl”, which situated 15 km SE from the Chernobyl NPP, we found that the wind with mean velocity of 4-5 m/sec or more and gusts of 10-11 m/sec led to increasing the aerosol concentration in the Bypass by more than power of magnitude. With the help of filter pack technique sizes of aerosol particles – the carriers of Chernobyl’ s radioactivity – were measured. It was found that the range of activity median aerodynamical diameter (AMAD) is 2-5 microns.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=9149817



Author: Shilovich T.I.

Reference: ВЕСТНИК РОССИЙСКОЙ АКАДЕМИИ СЕЛЬСКОХОЗЯЙСТВЕННЫХ НАУК  (Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences), 2010

ISSN: 0869-3730

Keywords:  forestry, radioecology


URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=14627561
