
Preparing a scientific report to the General Assembly on ‘Exposures due to the nuclear accident following the Great East-Japan earthquake and tsunami’

Title:  Preparing a scientific report to the General Assembly on ‘Exposures due to the nuclear accident following the Great East-Japan earthquake and tsunami’
Author: Wolfgang Weiss

Reference: Journal of Radiological Protection, 32 (1), p.N113-N118, Mar 2012

doi: 10.1088/0952-4746/32/1/N113


Abstract: At its 58th session in May 2011, the United Nations Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) decided to carry out, once sufficient information was available, a full assessment of the levels of exposure and radiation risks attributable to the Fukushima accident. It envisages a preliminary document for consideration at its 59th session in May of 2012 and a more complete report for the 60th session of the Committee in 2013. This paper summarises the aims and objectives of the project, the scope, the working arrangements as well as the relation of the work to other activities.


…exposure, mainly after Chernobyl and focused at low…related for example to thyroid cancer or leukaemia risk assessment…accident had ended. The Chernobyl experience tells us to expect…compare with accidents at Chernobyl, TMI, and Windscale? Doses to members of…



