

Ultrasound diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of neoplastic diseases of the thyroid gland in children

Author: A.A. Ilyin

Reference: Abstract, Obninsk 2011 WAC Russia 14.01.13

Keywords: ultrasonic diagnosis, echography, treatment strategy

Abstract: Optimization of ultrasonic diagnosis of thyroid nodular disease in children (in steps of differential diagnosis and detection of thyroid cancer by preoperative assessment of tumor process and dispensary observation) based on the results of a comprehensive analysis of the echographic data, epidemiological, clinical and pathological studies. The development of modern treatment strategies for children with various types of diseases in thyroid gland.
URL: http://medical-diss.com/medicina/ultrazvukovaya-diagnostika-i-kompleksnoe-lechenie-opuholevoy-patologii-schitovidnoy-zhelezy-u-detey

Diseases of thyroid gland in children, living in ecologically distressed areas

Author: V.A. Popova

Reference: Rostov-on-Don, 2003 Abstract of HAC RF 14.00.09

Keywords: industrial pollution, iodine deficiency

Abstract: The aim of the study is the development of pathogenesis-based system of health and social measures, aimed at reducing the incidence of thyroid cancer in children, caused by iodine deficiency in nature and industrial pollution.
URL: http://medical-diss.com/medicina/zabolevaniya-schitovidnoy-zhelezy-u-detey-prozhivayuschih-v-ekologicheski-neblagopriyatnyh-rayonah

Structural and functional characterization of the thyroid gland in the different periods of childhood (based on post-mortem autopsy of the Chelyabinsk Regional Office)

Author: I.A. Pasternak

Reference: Chelyabinsk 2008 Abstract HAC RF 14.00.15

Keywords: nuclear industry, comprehensive pathologic study, prevention, environmental factors

Abstract: The aim of study: To establish structural and functional features of thyroid cancer in children population in large industrial centers of the South Urals, based on a comprehensive pathologic study of autopsy material, for the development of activities focused on prevention and early detection of thyroid disease caused by environmental factors, and for the objectification of judgment about the cause and mechanism of death in childhood

URL: http://medical-diss.com/medicina/strukturno-funktsionalnaya-harakteristika-schitovidnoy-zhelezy-v-razlichnye-periody-detskogo-vozrasta-po-materialam-autop

Structural changes in the thyroid gland in persons exposed to radioactive iodine in childhood

Author: E.I. Masharova

Reference: Chelyabinsk 2003 WAC Russia 14.00.05

Keywords: iodine 131, early childhood, remote effects

Abstract: Purpose of the work is to study and evaluate the structural changes of the thyroid gland, in remote period after accident, in persons exposed to iodine-131 in early childhood.
URL: http://medical-diss.com/medicina/strukturnye-izmeneniya-schitovidnoy-zhelezy-u-lits-podvergshihsya-oblucheniyu-radioaktivnym-yodom-v-detskom-vozraste

Assessment of the health of children and adolescents living in the contaminated areas of the Kaluga region as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, using a computer automated system of summarizing medical dosimetry Inspections

Author: V.V. Stukalova

Reference: Dissertation, Obninisk, 2002

Keywords: health care, low-dose radiation, monitoring

Abstract: Modern radio-biological concept of low doses of ionizing radiation and the organization of the study of radiation accidents (literature review)

1.1. The impact of low-dose radiation on biological objects and systems

1.2. Epidemiological data on the effects of low-dose radiation

1.3. Organizational aspects of health care provision in radiation accidents and conducting of long-term monitoring of affected individuals

Radioecological situation in the Kaluga region after the Chernobyl accident, the radiation dose of the population. Total volume of the research methodology and analysis of the dynamic monitoring of the health of the pediatric population in the years 19921996. (Materials and Methods) …

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/otsenka-sostoyaniya-zdorovya-detei-i-podrostkov-prozhivayushchikh-na-zagryaznennykh-radionuk

An analysis of the health effects of the Chernobyl disaster on children in Kaluga region to develop the strategy and tactics of specialized medical examination

Author: M.P. Borovikova

Reference: Dissertation, Doctor of medical sciences, Obninsk, 2004

Keywords: leukemia, solid cancer, categorization, long term analyses


  1. The world’s first radiation accident after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant with the fallout over large areas of radionuclides of iodine and cesium, etc. (with a density of pollution in the Kaluga region up to 15 Ci/km2) was implemented at the district level of the Russian State Medical Dosimetry Registry scientifically grounded Specialized medical examination of the child population, for the analysis of individual and summary measures of health.
  2. Population analysisv was carried out in the Kaluga region and the calculation of attributable risk of stochastic effects. It is shown that the lifetime risk for thyroid cancer in children was 8.25, leukemia – 1.38 and 0.75 solid cancers per 100 patients.
  3. Scientifically proven lack of dependence of intense growth in overall incidence of newly diagnosed and individual classes in its structure from the value of the mean cumulative effective dose to the whole body for the first 10 years of living children in the contaminated areas of the Kaluga region.
  4. Based on analysis of the demographic-epidemiological and standardized intensive indicators of newly diagnosed disease, in the dynamics between 5 and 15 years, four risk groups are defined to follow-up with intact identification of possible long-term effects of low doses of radiation.

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/analiz-meditsinskikh-posledstvii-katastrofy-na-chernobylskoi-aes-u-detei-kaluzhskoi-obl-dlya

The Chernobyl disaster: biomedical regularities and prediction of the formation of thyroid disease in the population

Author: A.V. Rozhko

Reference: Dissertation, doctor of biology, St. Petersburg, 2011

Keywords: biological regularities, iodine, multiple diseases


  1. Medical and biological regularities of formation of thyroid disease in persons exposed to large-scale radiation accidents (for example, the Chernobyl NPP), effects of iodine radionuclides tocreasing levels of various types of thyroid cancer, which is dependent on gender, age at exposure, received doses, as well as cytogenetic features of thyrocytes and their genomic instability, being also determined by the quality and quantity of conducted institutional health care operations (“active screening”).
  2. After the Chernobyl disaster, in Belarus, growth of frequency of cancer and non-cancer disease of thyroid gland was registered. The greatest rise in the frequency of thyroid cancer, primary hypothyroidism, single and multinodular goiter, autoimmune thyroiditis occur among children and adolescents of the Gomel region, undergoing exposure to radionuclide iodine ….

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/chernobylskaya-katastrofa-mediko-biologicheskie-zakonomernosti-formirovaniya-i-prognozirovan

The health of children exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant


Author: V.N. Doroshenko

Reference: Dissertation, Koscow, 2005

Keywords: cancer, non-cancer disease, children

Abstract: In the Bryansk region until 1991 (the latent period after the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant) spontaneous cancers of the thyroid gland were recorded among children. In the period 1992 – 1999 years. thyroid cancer children of the Bryansk region ranged from 0.96/100 thousand children in 1992 to 2.6 – in 1994 and was higher (P <0.05) than data in Russia (from 0.08 in 1992 to 2.6 in 1997), mainly due to the increase of this disease among children aged 10-14 living in areas with a density of contamination by 137Cs above 5 Ci / km. In the condition of iodine deficiency, doses of radioiodine to the thyroid gland by an average of more than 400 mGy make a significant contribution to the formation of non-toxic diffuse goiter in children.

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/sostoyanie-zdorovya-detei-podvergshikhsya-radiatsionnomu-vozdeistviyu-v-rezultate-katastrofy

The long-term (remote) effects of man-made iodine-131 on thyroid gland in childhood

Author: E.F. Ryzhova

Reference: Dissertation, candidate of medical sciences, Chelyabinsk, 2003

Keywords: child, iodine 131

Abstract: The problem of thyroid disorders, induced by radiation, has become particularly relevant after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, where large groups of the population have been exposed to and incorporated external sources of radiation, including iodine-131; to a factor of iodine deficiency joins the radiation factor. Over the past few years in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, a lot of work on the identification and treatment of diseases of the thyroid has been done, which results in unique information on the problem. The largest number of studies devoted to thyroid cancer (L.N.Astahova, 1996; E.P.Demidchik et al., 1996; E.G.Matveenko et al., 1996). Also of importance in clinical practice are non-tumoral thyroid disease, occurring many times more than cancer. They lead to severe dysfunction of the thyroid, causing such severe manifestations of it as thyrotoxic myocardial with severe rhythm disorders, disorders of calcium metabolism leading to osteoporosis, a violation of the psyche with the loss of interest in life and decreased intelligence, the progression of atherosclerosis in ultimately leads to reduced quality of life. …

The purpose of the work: Identification of the relationship of thyroid disease with an extended irradiation with iodine-131 in childhood, according to a comprehensive survey in the remote period after the man-made radiation.

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/otdalennye-effekty-tekhnogennogo-oblucheniya-shchitovidnoi-zhelezy-iodom-131-v-detskom-vozra

The development of differentiation programs for the prevention and rehabilitation of children with diseases of the thyroid gland, including those living in the contaminated areas with radionuclides

Author: L.V. Shiryaeva

Reference: Dissertation, candidate of medical sciences, Moscow, 2006

Keywords: iodine deficiency, ioduria

Abstract: Radiation damage to the thyroid gland is one of the most serious consequences of the Chernobyl accident. Today, growth of thyroid cancer in people who were exposed in childhood [93, 9.4], is convincingly proven. On dose dependence of risk of developing thyroid cancer, also discussion on issues on increase of benign thyroid pathology …

Aim of research: To develop and demonstrate the effectiveness of program of preventing iodine deficiency and rehabilitation from iodine deficiency disorders, based on studis of thyroid status, ioduria and other microelementosis in children, including those living in “contaminated” areas with radionuclides due to the Chernobyl accident.
URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/razrabotka-differentsirovannykh-programm-profilaktiki-i-reabilitatsii-detei-s-zabolevaniyami
