

The latent period of induction radiogennyh of solid cancers in a cohort of liquidators

Title: The latent period of induction radiogennyh of solid cancers in a cohort of liquidators

Author: Gorskiy A.I., Kascheev V.V., Tumanov K.A.

Reference: Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, Volume 48, Number 3 / August 2009, pp 247-252

Keywords: emergency workers ,latent period ,solid tumors ,Radiation risk

Abstract: The paper presents results of estimating the latent period of induction of radiogenic solid cancers among Chernobyl emergency workers (males) living in six central regions of Russia. The analysis is based on using medical and dosimetry data gathered by the National Radiation Epidemiological Registry (NRER) over the time period from 1986 to 2005. The cohort size is 59706 persons. These are emergency workers who stayed in the exposure zone in 1986-1987. There were 2562 cases of solid tumors detected during the follow-up time in this cohort. The mean radiation dose is 0.13 Gy. The radiation risk and latent period were estimated using the method of maximum likelihood. The excess relative risk per unit dose was found to be 0.92 (0.28; 1.65 95 % CI) and the minimum latent period of induction of solid tumors is 4.7 years (1.2; 9.4 95 % CI).

URL: http://www.nrer.ru/pub_results.html

Distant radiological consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear accident for the population of the Bryansk region: solid cancers

Title: Distant radiological consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear accident for the population of the Bryansk region: solid cancers

Author: Ivanov V.K., Drynova N.N., Vlasov O.K., Schukina N.V., Efendiev V.A.

Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2008、vol.17,No.4

Keywords: attributive risk, solid cancers, the population of the Bryansk region

Abstract: Prognosis of induction of radiation related solid cancers in population of the Bryansk oblast was made with the use of UNSCEAR model. It was found that the increase in the rate of all solid cancers could be up to 3 %. Calculated and actual data of the National Radiation and Epidemiological Registry were in good agreement. The contribution of radiation to increase of the rate of breast cancer in young women can be up to 10 %.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/otdalennye-radiologicheskie-posledstviya-avarii-na-chernobylskoy-aes-dlya-naseleniya-bryanskoy-oblasti-solidnye-raki

