
Determinants of interspecific variation in population declines of birds after exposure to radiation at Chernobyl

  • Title: Determinants of interspecific variation in population declines of birds after exposure to radiation at Chernobyl

Author: A. P. Møller and T. A. Mousseau

Reference: Journal of Applied Ecology 2007


Keywords: carotenoids, dispersal, maternal effects, migration, sexual coloration.

Abstract: Radiation can reduce antioxidant levels dramatically because of the use of antioxidants to eliminate free radicals produced in the presence of radiation. Antioxidants are crucial biochemicals for elimination of free radicals, which can cause permanent damage to DNA and other molecules.

URL: http://cricket.biol.sc.edu/chernobyl/papers/moller-mousseau-JAE-2007.pdf



