
Groundwater residence time downgradient of Trench No. 22 at the Chernobyl Pilot Site: Constraints on hydrogeological aquifer functioning

Title: Groundwater residence time downgradient of Trench No. 22 at the Chernobyl Pilot Site: Constraints on hydrogeological aquifer functioning

Author: Le Gal La Salle, C. / Aquilina, L. / Fourre, E. / Jean-Baptiste, P. / Michelot, J.-L. / Roux, C. / Bugai, D. / (…) / Lancelot, J.

Reference: Applied Geochemistry, 27 (7), p.1304-1319, Jul 2012

DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.12.006


Abstract: ► Stratification of the groundwater is evidenced through Na and Cl and 18O and 2H. ► Good agreement is observed between 3H/3He and CFC ages. ► Complex mixing processes are evidenced at intermediate depth. ► Apparent age distribution suggest exponential or piston flow model. ► Extremely high SF6 concentrations are attributed to the nuclear reactor explosion.

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0883292711004884


