著者: ケニグスベル Y.E., クリュク Y.E., デミッチク Y.E.
典拠:エコロジー通信 2007年No.2
キーワード: ヨウ素予防、 経済的損失
URL: http://www.belmapo.by/downloads/rector/blokirav_shetovidnoj_zhelezi.doc
典拠:ウクライナの健康 2006年 No.14-1
キーワード: 外科治療、ウクライナ
URL: http://health-ua.com/articles/1352.html
著者: エフセエンコ V.V.
典拠:雑誌「医療ニュース」2006年 No.3
URL: http://www.mednovosti.by/journal.aspx?article=489
著者:ステパネンコ V.F., ツィブ A.F., ガヴリーリン Y.I., フルーシ V.T., シンカリョフ S.M., スクヴォルツォフ V.G., コンドラショフ A.E., ヤスィコワ E.K., イワンニコフ A.I., パルシコフ A.I., シャフタリン V.V., モスコフコ L.I., ペーチン D.V., チェボタリョワ I.V., プローシン A.D., ロシュコ Y.N., ドロホフ V.V., リヴキンド N.B., クヴィトゥコ B.I., クズィミン P.S., レシャコフ S.Y., オメリチェンコ V.N.
典拠:「放射線とリスク」 1996年 No.7
キーワード: 被曝線量
URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/dozy-oblucheniya-schitovidnoy-zhelezy-naseleniya-rossii-v-rezultate-avarii-na-chernobylskoy-aes-retrospektivnyy-analiz
著者: バヴェルストック K.
典拠:雑誌「放射線とリスク」 1999年 No.11
URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/chernobyl-i-zdorovie-naseleniya
Title: Radiation condition and its social and psychological aspects
Author: V.P.Antonov
Reference: Publication of “Knowledge” Society [общество “Знание”] of the Ukrainian SSR, 1987
Keywords: radiation, social aspect, psychological aspect, liquidation
Abstract: As a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant a situation was developed that was unique in its scale and also in its historical experience, to which psychologically unprepared were not only the general public but also many experts, scientists, leaders.
URL: http://pripyat-city.ru/books/102-radiacionnaya-obstanovka.html
Author: Spinelli A, Osborn JF
Reference: Biomed Pharmacother. 1991;45(6):243–247
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0753-3322(91)90024-N
Keywords: Chernobyl, induced abortion, Italy
Abstract: Four regression models have been fitted to data of the monthly number of induced abortions in Italy between January 1984 and April 1986, in order to predict the number which would have occurred in the 5 months following the Chernobyl explosion. In model I the average number of abortions per day in each month was the dependent variable and calendar months, a linear time trend and previous month’s value were the independent variables. Model II included a quadratic time trend term in addition to the independent variables used in model I. Models III and IV were like models I and II except that the dependent variable was the average number of abortions per working day in each month and the effect of the previous month’s value was omitted. The 4 models all implied that an excess number of abortions were performed in the 5 months following the Chernobyl accident. The mean daily excess was estimated to be 28 and 52 per day for models I and II and the mean excess per working day was estimated to be 20 and 30 by models III and IV, respectively. Clearly the estimated magnitude of the excess depends on whether the quadratic time trend is included among the explanatory variables, but these results imply that the excess is unlikely to be merely due to chance.
Title: Perinatal mortality in Bavaria, Germany, after the Chernobyl reactor accident
Author: Grosche B, Irl C, Schoetzau A, van Santen E.
Reference: Radiat Environ Biophys. 1997 Jun;36(2):129–136
DOI: 10.1007/s004110050064
Keywords: perinatal mortality, Germany
Abstract: As has been shown by the authors of a paper recently published in this journal, a deviation from a long-term trend in perinatal mortality within the former Federal Republic of Germany occurred in 1987, i.e. 1 year following the Chernobyl disaster. It is the aim of this study to make a comparison between the areas of the state Bavaria. Germany, with different fallout levels as well as between the observed and expected numbers of perinatal deaths relating to these areas. The expected numbers of perinatal deaths, defined as external standard, were derived from the remainder of the former FRG. Testing an a priori formulated hypothesis revealed no differences in the temporal development of perinatal mortality between the areas with different fallout levels and subsequent exposure. Including May 1986 into the analysis revealed a significant increase during the first 3 months after the accident, which is due to an excess in May alone. Since no elevated radiation risks for the last days in utero are known, the additional Chernobyl radiation exposure is not plausible as a causative agent. Further analyses on stillbirths showed an increase in Southern Bavaria during the first 2 years following the accident. Later on, the rates were comparable to the expected values again.
Title: Perinatal mortality in Germany following the Chernobyl accident
Author: Körblein A, Küchenhoff H.
Reference: Radiat Environ Biophys. 1997 Feb;36(1):3–7
Keywords: perinatal mortality, Germany
Abstract: Perinatal mortality in Germany was investigated with respect to a possible relationship to the nuclear accident in Chernobyl on April 26, 1986. Using annual data of perinatal mortality, a trend analysis based on an appropriately chosen statistical model was performed which showed a significant increase in 1987. In addition, we calculated the cesium concentration in women’s bodies using data of the cesium concentration in milk. We found two peaks of cesium concentration that were associated with the observed two peaks of monthly perinatal mortality data with a delay of 7 months.