著者:ロガノフスキー K.N.、ロガノフスカヤ T.K.
典拠:Укр.Мед.Часопис (ウクライナ医学誌)、2011
Title: Radiation condition and its social and psychological aspects
Author: V.P.Antonov
Reference: Publication of “Knowledge” Society [общество “Знание”] of the Ukrainian SSR, 1987
Keywords: radiation, social aspect, psychological aspect, liquidation
Abstract: As a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant a situation was developed that was unique in its scale and also in its historical experience, to which psychologically unprepared were not only the general public but also many experts, scientists, leaders.
URL: http://pripyat-city.ru/books/102-radiacionnaya-obstanovka.html