
タグ「ultrasound screening」



Title: Childhood thyroid diseases around Chernobyl evaluated by ultrasound examination and fine needle aspiration cytology.

Author: Ito M, Yamashita S, Ashizawa K, Namba H, Hoshi M, Shibata Y, Sekine I, Nagataki S, Shigematsu I. Department of Pathology, Nagasaki University School of Medicine, Japan.

Reference: Thyroid. 1995 Oct;5(5):365-8.



Abstract: Screening by ultrasound examination and fine-needle aspiration cytological biopsy (FNA) was conducted in five regions in Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia to investigate the prevalence of childhood thyroid diseases around Chernobyl. Gomel, Zhitomir, Kiev, and the western area of Bryansk are the administrative regions where severe radioactive contamination occurred. The subjects from Mogilev, where contamination was relatively low, served as controls. Among 55,054 subjects (26,406 boys and 28,648 girls), the prevalence of ultrasonographic thyroid abnormalities such as nodule, cyst, and abnormal echogenity was significantly higher in the regions with severe contamination than in Mogilev. Of the 1,396 children showing echographic thyroid abnormalities 197 were selected for FNA, and a sample was successfully obtained for diagnosis from 171 (51 boys and 120 girls) of the 197 subjects. The aspirate was insufficient for diagnosis in the remaining 26 subjects. Thyroid cancer was encountered in four children (2.3%) from the contaminated regions, two children being from Gomel. The other thyroid diseases were follicular neoplasm, 6.4%; adenomatous goiter, 18.7%; chronic thyroiditis, 31.0%; and cyst, 24.0%, suggesting that a major cause of thyroid nodularity is nonneoplastic changes, mainly chronic thyroiditis and cysts. These results will serve as an important data base for further analyses and suggest that childhood thyroid diseases, including both neoplasms and immunological disorders, are consequences of radioactive fallout.

URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8563473



著者:パルシンV. S., 山下俊一、ツィプA. F., ナルコヴァN. P., タラソヴァG. P., イリインA. A.




概要:36名の専門家からなる医療チームが、地上のセシウム137の汚染レベルが3.2から5.6 Ci/km2のロシアのトゥーラ地域に住む36,454名の子供と成人を検査した。超音波甲状腺スクリーニングの手順は医療とコンピュータのパートに分けられた。医療パートには、一人一人の甲状腺の超音波検査、甲状腺異常を持つ個人の超音波再検査、甲状腺の細針吸引生検、必要に応じて超音波ガイド下と採血や内分泌学者による身体検査、といった個々の甲状腺検査を通した登録が含まれた。「超音波スクリーニングのチャート」は超音波所見を要約し、ドキュメントを簡素化するために精緻化された。コンピュータベースの情報システムによって、データベースのメンテナンス、デジタル形式での甲状腺画像の保存、患者への検査結果の提供、保健統計データの取得が保証された。要約すると、5-9歳のグループでは甲状腺がんはまったく見られず、10-14歳のグループで0,013%、15-19歳のグループでは0,044%、20-29歳のグループでは0,091%、30-39歳のグループでは0,121%、40-49歳のグループでは0,553%、50-59歳のグループでは0,349%、甲状腺がんが見られた。

