Medical management of the acute radiation syndrome
Title: Medical management of the acute radiation syndrome
Author: López, Mario / Martín, Margarita
Reference: Reports of Practical Oncology & Radiotherapy, 16 (4), p.138-146, Jul 2011
doi: 10.1016/j.rpor.2011.05.001
Keywords: Acute radiation syndrome; Radiation injury; Radiation exposure; Nuclear accident
Abstract: This review will focus on the clinical aspects of the ARS, using the European triage system (METREPOL) to evaluate the severity of radiation injury, and scoring groups of patients for the general and specific management of the syndrome.
…concentrations for miles around Chernobyl following the accident…Radioiodines are known from Chernobyl data to cause thyroid injury and to be carcinogenic…binding sites within the thyroid and inhibits incorporation…exposed population in Chernobyl. 6 Phases of acute…