
Method for treating liquid radioactive wastes

Author: S.A. Dmitriev, D.A. Fyodorov, A.E. Savkin, Yu.V. Karlin

Reference: Patent, 19.03.2007, Moscow, patent holder: Moscow State Enterprise – Joint Environmental-Technological Research Center for the disposal of radioactive waste and the protection of the environment (SIA “Radon”)

Keywords: liquid waste, process, filtration

Abstract: The invention relates to environmental protection, in detail, to process of liquid radioactive wastes. The original flow of the liquid waste is subjected to be defended by the formation of supernatant liquid and sludge. The supernatant fluid is clarified with a mechanical filter to form a filtrate; the filtrate is subjected to ion-selective sorption after deep desalting in two stages.

URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/234/2342720.html



