
Radiation control and monitoring of agricultural products in the context of global and local radioactive fallout

Title: Radiation control and monitoring of agricultural products in the context of global and local radioactive fallout

Author: Kalmykov, Mikhail Viktorovich

Reference: Moscow, 2001

Keywords: animals, plants, soil, agriculture, Russia, veterinary radiological control, monitoring, forage, cesium-137, strontium-90

Abstract: The aim of the thesis – to review and analysis of the general laws of radiation situation formation in the sphere of agricultural production in Russia and other individual regions of the country – radio-ecological justification of veterinary radiological control, monitoring, rationing of radionuclide content in the forage and the development of acceptable levels of their content


Modeling migration of 137 Cs in forest ecosystems: Assessment of radiological impact and effectiveness of protective measures within radioactive contamination

Title: Modeling migration of 137 Cs in forest ecosystems: Assessment of radiological impact and effectiveness of protective measures within radioactive contamination

Author: Gontarenko, Irina Alexandrovna

Reference: Obninsk, 2001

Keywords: mathematical model of cesium-137 migration, forest ecosystem, protective measures, radioactive contamination

Abstract: The aim of the thesis is to develop a mathematical model of Cs migration in forest ecosystems and methodological approach to the justification of protective measures in forests that were exposed to radioactive contamination.


Distribution of Chernobyl radionuclides along transport routes and their role in the formation of dosages on the thyroid gland

Title: Distribution of Chernobyl radionuclides along transport routes and their role in the formation of dosages on the thyroid gland

Author: Parshkov E.M., Tsyb A.F., Sokolov V.A., Shahtarin V.V., Chebotareva I.V., Pyzhik V.M., Dellas CH., Orlov M.YU., Snykov V.P., Hvalenskiy YU.A.

Reference: Radiation and Lisk 1997 No.10

Keywords:transport routes, Bryansk

Abstract: The paper presents the analysis of distribution of thyroid cancer cases in children and adolescents over the territory of Bryansk oblast as well as the analysis of factors influencing formation of the absorbed dose in thyroid gland after the Chernobyl accident. A special attention is paied to the role of major transport ways in radionuclides migration. The majority of thyroid cancers was found to occur in inhabitants of settlements situated near from the main railways and motor roads irrespective of mean levels of radioactive contamination of territories. Possible mechanisms underlying dispersion of radionuclides by transportation means are discussed. Predictions have been made and activities are proposed on further research and medical examination of population groups at risk formed with consideration of “transportation factor”.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/rasprostranenie-chernobylskih-radionuklidov-vdol-transportnyh-magistraley-i-ih-rol-v-formirovanii-dozy-na-schitovidnuyu-zhelezu

Malignant neoplasm of genitourinary system in irradiated population

Title: Malignant neoplasm of genitourinary system in irradiated population

Author: Biryukov A.P., Ivanov V.K., Maksyutov M.A., Kochergina E.V.

Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2001 No.12

Keywords: genitourinary system,

Abstract: The article provides a review of the latest publications dealing with effects of ionizing radiation on organs and tissues of the genitourinary system. The majority of epidemiological studies provide evidence that despite certain radio-resistance of the tissue, malignant neoplasms of this localization can be formed both as a result of irradiation of the small pelvis itself and due to excretion of radionuclides in case of exposure of other tissues, especially given hormonal disbalance caused by radiogenic disturbance of sexual glands functioning.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/zlokachestvennye-novoobrazovaniya-mochepolovoy-sistemy-u-obluchennogo-naseleniya-nauchnyy-obzor

Concept of optimization of the radiation protection system in the nuclear sector: management of individual cancer risks and providing targeted health care

Title: Concept of optimization of the radiation protection system in the nuclear sector: management of individual cancer risks and providing targeted health care
Author: Ivanov V.K., Tsyb A.F., Agapov A.M., Kaidalov O.V., Gorskii O.V., Maksyutov M.A., Chekin S.Y., Godjko A.M., Supitsin Y.V., Vaizer V.I., Kozlov E.P., Epikhin A.I.

Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2004 No.S1



URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/kontseptsiya-optimizatsii-sistemy-radiatsionnoy-zaschity-v-atomnoy-otrasli-upravlenie-individualnymi-kantserogennymi-riskami-i


Ionizing radiation as a risk factor for the development of malignant neoplasms of the digestive organs

Title: Ionizing radiation as a risk factor for the development of malignant neoplasms of the digestive organs

Author: Biryukov A.P., Ivanov V.K., Maksyutov M.A., Ivanova I.N.

Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2001 No.12

Keywords: Ionizing radiation, digestive organs

Abstract: The paper provides a review of modern understanding of the mechanisms underlying the development of malignant neoplasms of the digestive system induced by ionizing radiation. digestive organs

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/ioniziruyuschee-izluchenie-kak-faktor-riska-razvitiya-zlokachestvennyh-novoobrazovaniy-organov-pischevareniya-nauchnyy-obzor


Probable dose threshold in the definition of the potential risk group among the nuclear industry workers

Title: Probable dose threshold in the definition of the potential risk group among the nuclear industry workers
Author: Ivanov V.K., Tsyb A.F., Agapov A.M., Panfilov A.P., Gorskii A.I., Kaidalov O.V., Maksyutov M.A., Godjko A.M., Tumanov K.A.

Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2005 No.S1

Keywords: nuclear industry workers, risk


URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/vozmozhnyy-dozovyy-porog-pri-formirovanii-gruppy-potentsialnogo-riska-sredi-personala-atomnoy-otrasli

Chernobyl Forum: medical consequences of the Chernobyl accident (comments by Russian scientists)

Author: Tsyb AF, Ivanov VK

Reference: Радиация и риск (Radiation and risk): 2005, no. 2

Abstract: Observed are two key questions: 1) What are the main health consequences of the Chernobyl accident (epidemiologically proven) in Russia? 2) Did the outcome document of the Chernobyl Forum sufficiently reflect the conclusions of Russian scientists?

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/chernobylskiy-forum-meditsinskie-posledstviya-avarii-na-chernobylskoy-aes-kommentariy-rossiyskih-uchenyh

Current scientific information

Reference: Journal: Радиация и риск (Radiation and Риск, Bulletin of the National Radiation and Epidemiological Registry) 2001 Release Number: 12

Abstract: Additions into the bibliographic database “Chernobyl” in 2000 (obtained via Medline, … modular thyroid cancer)/ Russian Journal of Oncology. – 2000. – № 2. – pp. 53-54. Gavrilin Yu. Problem of Chernobyl – irradiation/ Journal of Radiation Medicine. – 1999. – № 3-4. – pp. 11-16. Gus’kova AK Chernobyl today: medical consequences among involved people…

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/tekuschaya-nauchnaya-informatsiya-3



Author: Ivanov.V.K., Tsyb A.F., Maksyutov M.A.

Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2012, vol.21 No.3

Keywords: Ionizing radiation,   Radiation epidemiology,   Radiological protection,   Radiation risks,   reconstruction of radiation doses,   verification of medical data,   Chernobyl accident,   medical radiation exposure

Abstract: The authors present the history of the Radiation Epidemiological Sector of the Medical Radiological Research Center and review the main results obtained by researchers of the National Radiation Epidemiological Registry for twenty five years. For that time major efforts were made towards development of methodology and analytical methods for estimating radiation risks and prognosing morbidity and mortality of people affected by low level radiation. At present basic and applied research into Radiation Epidemiology and estimating risks for health of people exposed to radiation from nuclear accidents and incidents, occupational activity and medical procedures is carried out at the Sector.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/radiatsionno-epidemiologicheskiy-sektor-razvitie-sovremennyh-tehnologiy-otsenki-riskov-zdorovyu-i-optimizatsii-radiatsionnoy

