
Thyroid cancer morbidity dynamics in Russia after the Chernobyl accident: ecological and epidemiological analysis of the text of scientific articles on Specialty “ Medical technology and health”

Title: Thyroid cancer morbidity dynamics in Russia after the Chernobyl accident: ecological and epidemiological analysis of the text of scientific articles on Specialty “ Medical technology and health”

Author: Ivanov V.K., Tsyb A.F., Gorskiy A.I., Maksyutov M.A.

Reference: Annotation of scientific paper 1999 year, VAK speciality


Keywords: morbidity

Abstract: The paper presents the analysis of thyroid cancer incidence in the territories of Russia most contaminated after the Chernobyl accident. In the work data on incidence in the Bryansk, Kaluga, Orel and Tula regions (5298 thousand persons) are used. Information on incidence has been obtained from regional oncological dispensaries (state health institutions involved in diagnosis and treatment of malignant neoplasms). Altogether, 2599 cases of thyroid cancer are considered from 1982 to 1995.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/dinamika-zabolevaemosti-rakom-schitovidnoy-zhelezy-v-rossii-posle-chernobylskoy-katastrofy-ekologo-epidemiologicheskiy-analiz

The consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe in Belorussia

Reference: Ministry of Emergency, Republic of Belorussia (department of liquidation of consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe)

Keywords: Gomel, Bretsk, contamination of land, medical consequences

Abstract: Topic: Contamination and zoning of the territories of Belorussia, medical consequences. According to the insufficient protecting measures, thyroid cancer incidents began to be detected from 1990, especially among children, in Belorussia, under the influence of radionuclide iodine. In comparison to the pre-accidental period, the incidence of thyroid cancer grew 33.6 times, in children, and 2.4-7 times in adults. The highest number of patients with thyroid cancer appeared in the inhabitants of the Gomel and Bretsk regions.

URL: http://www.chernobyl.gov.by/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=105&Itemid=54

Data has shown high survival rate of children having thyroid cancer due to the Chernobyl accident

Reference: 26 April, 2013, News on Oncology

Keywords: development of screening

Abstract: Almost all children with thyroid cancer, subjected to research, have responded successfully to treatment. Thanks to the lessons of Chernobyl, researchers have developed knowledge of screening the early stage of thyroid cancer in children and young adults. Thus, later accidents, including Fukushima, should have less spreading of thyroid cancer.

URL: http://www.oncc.ru/issledovanie-pokazalo-vysokij-uroven-vyzhivaemosti-u-detej-s-rakom-shhitovidnoj-zhelezy-posle-chernobylskoj-avarii/

Chernobyl research data has shown high survival rates in young adults having thyroid cancer

Author: Aleksandr Kavokin

Reference: РосЗдрав(Russian Health) 27.04.2013

Keywords: survival rate, Chernobyl lessons, Fukushima

Abstract: Although people in Japan fear “epidemiology”, according to appropriate and immediate actions taken after the Fukushima accident, the authorities have succeeded in decreasing the risk of thyroid cancer. Due to the lessons of Chernobyl, screening was introduced in the early stage, after Fukushima, which shall have its good consequences.

URL: http://www.roszdrav.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=307:radiation-thyroid-cancer-survival-iodine&catid=121:research&Itemid=5

Thyroid cancer treatment

Reference: Здоровье info (Health info) 11 January, 2012


Abstract: Even the disregard of exceeding “linear” estimation seemed to be of no safety for people. That is, to consider that even a low amount of radionuclide iodine could increase the incidence of thyroid cancer, if the exposure last long. The data show that the number of patients with thyroid cancer has grown 30-40 times in the regions affected by the Chernobyl disaster.

URL: http://www.zdorovieinfo.ru/is_onkologiya/stati/opuholi_endokrinnyh_zhelez/lechenie_raka_schitovidnoy_zhelezi/

How to detect and treat thyroid cancer

Reference: Здоровье info (Health info) 26 April

Keywords: ultrasound interview

Abstract: Check yourself: Have you got thyroid cancer? If you lived in Tuly, Bryansk, Orlov or Kaluzh regions in 1986, being aged 20 or less, you should take ultrasound interview. Radionuclide iodine’s outspread after the Chernobyl accident may have influenced you by entering your body through water, air or food, producing node in your thyroid gland.

URL: http://www.zdorovieinfo.ru/zhitzdorovo/article/?article=15992087

Chernobyl: facts and hypothesis

Reference: RIA News- Ukraine, 26 April, 2011

Keywords: retrospective view

Abstract: Sergey Dudarenko, Head of department of the All-Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, says the incidence of thyroid cancer in children living, at the time of the Chernobyl accident, in the most contaminated areas, was 2/1000 p. However, the same expert says thyroid cancer is successfully treated in these days.

URL: http://rian.com.ua/analytics/20110426/78723704.html

Echo of Chernobyl: Thyroid cancer

Reference: 25 April, 2010

Keywords: registry of the Russian government

Abstract: The echo of the Chernobyl, after 20 years, disaster resulted in a dramatic increase of thyroid cancer. For the inhabitants of Byansk, Tuly, Kaluzh and Orlov regions, the Russian government provides special Chernobyl registry: they can take interview of the thyroid gland.

URL: http://www.1tv.ru/prj/zdorovie/vypusk/4202

Expert evaluation of sudden death and suicide

Title: Expert evaluation of sudden death and suicide

Author: Makarov, Vladimir Mikhailovich

Reference: Ulyanovsk, 2005

Keywords: anatomical pathology, sudden death, Cardiovascular Disease (CDV), suicide

Abstract: Objective: on the basis of comprehensive medical-ecological and medical-social, morphological, forensic research to analyze the sudden death from cardiovascular disease in the region, adjacent to the polygon after the cessation of testing and to determine the pattern of suicides in different regions.


Endoscopic diagnosis of gastrointestinal tract diseases among Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident liquidators in the remote period

Title: Endoscopic diagnosis of gastrointestinal tract diseases among Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident liquidators in the remote period

Author: Ivanova, Svetlana Vasilyevna

Reference: Moscow, 2005

Keywords: radiodiagnosis, radiation therapy, endoscopic diagnosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liquidators, remote period after the accident

Abstract: Research aim; to study the structure and characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract diseases among Chernobyl nuclear power plant liquidators in the late period with the subsequent development of recommendations for diagnostic procedures and dispensary observation of this contingent of patients.

