
Differential diagnostic criteria of follicular thyroid tumors in various degrees of malignancy

Author: O.V. Sokolova

Reference: St. Petersburg 2009 Abstract HAC Russia 14.00.15

Keywords: follicular tumors, substantiate diagnostic criteria

Abstract: Aim of the study: To study and compare assessment of histological, morphometric and immunohistochemical features of follicular thyroid tumors, in different degrees of malignancy, to identify and to substantiate differential diagnostic criteria.

URL: http://medical-diss.com/medicina/differentsialno-diagnosticheskie-kriterii-follikulyarnyh-opuholey-schitovidnoy-zhelezy-raznoy-stepeni-zlokachestvennosti

Diseases of thyroid gland in children, living in ecologically distressed areas

Author: V.A. Popova

Reference: Rostov-on-Don, 2003 Abstract of HAC RF 14.00.09

Keywords: industrial pollution, iodine deficiency

Abstract: The aim of the study is the development of pathogenesis-based system of health and social measures, aimed at reducing the incidence of thyroid cancer in children, caused by iodine deficiency in nature and industrial pollution.
URL: http://medical-diss.com/medicina/zabolevaniya-schitovidnoy-zhelezy-u-detey-prozhivayuschih-v-ekologicheski-neblagopriyatnyh-rayonah

Structural and functional characterization of the thyroid gland in the different periods of childhood (based on post-mortem autopsy of the Chelyabinsk Regional Office)

Author: I.A. Pasternak

Reference: Chelyabinsk 2008 Abstract HAC RF 14.00.15

Keywords: nuclear industry, comprehensive pathologic study, prevention, environmental factors

Abstract: The aim of study: To establish structural and functional features of thyroid cancer in children population in large industrial centers of the South Urals, based on a comprehensive pathologic study of autopsy material, for the development of activities focused on prevention and early detection of thyroid disease caused by environmental factors, and for the objectification of judgment about the cause and mechanism of death in childhood

URL: http://medical-diss.com/medicina/strukturno-funktsionalnaya-harakteristika-schitovidnoy-zhelezy-v-razlichnye-periody-detskogo-vozrasta-po-materialam-autop

Morphological-ecological characterization of thyroid diseases in St. Petersburg according to data of operational material and population-based cancer registry

Author: V.A. Krulevsky

Reference: St. Petersburg 2003 WAC Russia 14.00.15

Keywords: endemic goiter, survival of patient, population-based cancer registry

Abstract: Interest in the study of thyroid cancer has significantly always been associated with the problem of iodine deficiency in the environment of different regions of the world. The problem of endemic goiter and neoplastic processes, developing on the background of endemic goiter, made more than one generation of local doctors uneasy. Special interest of professionals of thyroid, including pathologists, was drawn to diseases of the thyroid gland in connection with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and other radioactive contamination in areas where there has been an accident at a nuclear industry, as well as in other areas, with a large-scale industry and energy, producing often unreported radiation factor. In this regard, the concept of the program was formed: “The pathology of the thyroid gland as a marker of ecological trouble” …

The purpose of the work: To compare the environmental and sanitary situation in St. Petersburg with thyroid cancer, according to the data given by surgical material from 1982 to 2000., and to analyze data on the incidence and survival of patients with thyroid cancer, according to data of population-based cancer registry.

URL: http://medical-diss.com/medicina/morfoekologicheskaya-harakteristika-zabolevaniy-schitovidnoy-zhelezy-v-sankt-peterburge-po-dannym-operatsionnogo-material

Structural changes in the thyroid gland in persons exposed to radioactive iodine in childhood

Author: E.I. Masharova

Reference: Chelyabinsk 2003 WAC Russia 14.00.05

Keywords: iodine 131, early childhood, remote effects

Abstract: Purpose of the work is to study and evaluate the structural changes of the thyroid gland, in remote period after accident, in persons exposed to iodine-131 in early childhood.
URL: http://medical-diss.com/medicina/strukturnye-izmeneniya-schitovidnoy-zhelezy-u-lits-podvergshihsya-oblucheniyu-radioaktivnym-yodom-v-detskom-vozraste

Radionuclide Desorption Parameters from the Bottom Sediments in the Reservoir Staroye Boloto. Review of Experiments


Author:  Stukalov P.M., Simkina N.A.

Reference: Gazette “ВОПРОСЫ РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ“ (Issues on radiation safety), 2008

ISSN: 1816-9643

DOI: 621.039.7: 539.16.170 2008

Keywords: desorption parameters, resevoir, bottom sediments

Abstract: Results of experimental determination of radionuclide desorption parameters (desorption factor, washed-out activity fraction) are considered in the bottom sediments in the reservoir Staroye Boloto used as Mayak PA liquid radioactive waste storage. The principal attention is paid to the activities carried out in the Institute for Biophysics (Moscow) for dense sludge and loam beds, as well as to the Mayak PA studies (2008) ofstrontium, ceasium and uranium isotope wash-out from the upper aqueous bed of man-induced sludge oft he reservoir.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=11659550

Content of Man-Caused Radionuclides in Shrubs and Mushrooms in the Area Affected by the Mining-and-Chemical Combine (the Krasnoyarskii Krai) (probably available in English)


Author: Dementyev Dmitry V., Bolsunovsky Alexander Ya.

Reference: Journal of Siberian Federal University

ISSN: 1997-1389          

DOI: 579.5:539.752+577(T2-575):582.16

Keywords: radionuclides; transfer factor; mushrooms; shrubs

Abstract: The study addresses accumulation of radionuclides by mushrooms and berry shrubs from the forest soil in the area around the Mining-and-Chemical Combine (the Krasnoyarskii Krai, Russia). The Suillus granulatus and S. luteus mushrooms have been found to be the best bioindicators in this area. The level of 137Cs concentration in these species can reach 10 kBq/kg dry mass. The 137Cs transfer factor (TF) by the mushrooms varies 5-fold among the sites that receive radionuclides from different sources. The level of radionuclide activities accumulated by berry shrubs is 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than the activities accumulated by mushrooms. Based on the calculated TFs, the distribution of 137Cs and 60Co among the parts of these shrubs is as follows: branches

URL: http://journal.sfu-kras.ru/en/article/1460/178

The contents in ground, products and entering of 90Sr and 137Cs global fall-out into the organism of the people inhabitants before the failure on the Chernobyl atomic power station

Author: Mironchik A. F.

Reference: Bulletin of Belorussian-Russian University, 2008

ISSN: 2077-8481

DOI: 631.438 : 658.562

Keywords: 90sr, 137cs, accumulation, agricultural products, before Chernobyl disaster

Abstract: The paper outlines the latitude dependence of radioactive substances fall-out after nuclear weapon tests on the territory of the globe and the accumulation of 137Cs and 90Sr in different kinds of agricultural products produced in the former USSR before the Chernobyl disaster. The available data are compared with results given by other countries.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=17101280

Main results of the scientific researches in the field of the radiobiology and of the radioecology for 2004


Author: Naidich V.I.

Reference: Reference: Gazette “РАДИАЦИОННАЯ БИОЛОГИЯ. РАДИОЭКОЛОГИЯ “ (Radiation Biology, Radioecology), 2005

ISSN: 0869-8031


Keywords: radiobiology, radioecology

URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16080632

Prognosis of accumulation of 137Cs and 90Sr in the herbage of the main types of the Belarus Polessje meadows using agrochemical soil properties

Author: Podolyak A. G., Timofeev S. F., Grebenshikova N. V., Arastovich T. V., Zhdanovich V. P.

Reference: Gazette “РАДИАЦИОННАЯ БИОЛОГИЯ. РАДИОЭКОЛОГИЯ “ (Radiation Biology, Radioecology), 2005

ISSN: 0869-8031

DOI: 574.41.5:539.163:633.2.031:631.82: 631.86:546.36:546.42

Keywords: 137cs, 90sr, accumulation, agricultural sphere, soil

Abstract: On the basis of long-term stationary experience it was established that the minimum accumulation quantities for 137Cs and 90Sr in the herbage of the dry, lowland and flood-plain types of the Belarus Polessje meadows contaminated with Chernobyl radionuclides are determined when the optimum of basic agrochemical soil properties is achieved with application of the scientifically reasonable protective measures. For remote prognosis of radionuclide contents in natural and cultural meadow herbage the use of transfer factors (TFa, (Bq/kg)(kBq/m2)) based on the complex agrochemical parameters–agrochemical cultivation soil index (Icd) and basic saturation degree (V, %), which take into account some soil characteristics simultaneously, is a streamlined approach. This paper provides the equations of linear and multiple regressions, which can be used to calculate the transfer factors for 137Cs and 90Sr uptake and the herbage contamination degree for the main types of meadows of the region, that will allow reducing the volume of forage production (hay, green bulk), which is not adequate to established permissible levels: “Republican allowable levels of the contents of 137Cs and 90Sr in agricultural raw material and forages”.

URL: http://lib.bioinfo.pl/pmid:15810531
