
GIS of forecasting of the radio-activity of plants and soils

Author: Markelov D.A.

Reference: Gazette “ПРОБЛЕМЫ РЕГИОНАЛЬНОЙ ЭКОЛОГИИ“ (Issues on regional ecology)

ISSN: 1728-323x


Keywords: GIS (geographic information system), radioactivity, soil, plants

Abstract: In the article the questions of application of GIS for forecasting a radioactivity of plants and soils are considered.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=11901219

The radiological situation in individual water bodies, in Ulyanovsk area, at different extent of human influence


Author: Belozerova E.A.

Reference: Gazette “СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ НАУКИ И ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ“ (contemporary issues on science and education), 2006

ISSN: 1817-6321


Keywords: 238u, 232th, 235u, 40k, Chernobyl accident, 137cs, 90sr, river, lake

Abstract: Describes specifications of various radionuclides in various water bodies.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=9910875

full dissertation available at: http://www.science-education.ru/pdf/2006/3/32.pdf

Problems of quality of radiation safety of agricultural products


Author: Tkachenko, OA, TA Dmitrovskaya

Reference: Gazette “УСПЕХИ СОВРЕМЕННОГО ЕСТЕСТВОЗНАНИЯ“ (successes of contemporary natural science), 2005

ISSN: 1681-7494


Keywords: 137cs, contamination, agricultural products

Abstract: Observes the contamination, as the result of Chernobyl disaster, on soil and agricultural products. Describes peculiarity of 137cs and its effect on plants. 

URL:  http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=10435011

full article available at: http://www.rae.ru/use/pdf/2005/11/59.pdf (Russian)

Accumulation of 90sr in organs of nuciferous breed depending on their varieties


Author: Mel’chenko A.I., Yakovuk V.A., Mel’chenko E.A.

Reference: Proceedings of Kuban Agrarian State University, 2008

ISSN: 1999-1703


Keywords: 90sr, accumulation, nuciferous

Abstract: Experiments on accumulation of 90sr in nuciferous organs were executed in laboratories of All-Russia Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=11619541



Author:  Linnik V.G.

Reference: Bulletin of Moscow University series: Geography, 2011

ISSN: 0579-9414

DOI: 911.52; 574:539.1.04; 550.47

Keywords: river, 137cs, bottom sediments, floodplain area, soil

Abstract: The article analyzes 137Cs contamination of floodplain sediments of the Techa River and the middle courses of the Yenisei River as a result of discharges from the nuclear fuel plants. The results of field studies, both radiometric survey and sampling, are analyzed. The landscape differentiation of 137Cs contamination depends on specific features of suspended matter deposition on the floodplains. A secondary contamination zone was identified for the Techa River (up to 0,7 m) which was formed due to erosion of alluvial soils in the Asanov bogs and subsequent transfer of bottom sediments. Correlation between radionuclide contamination and duration of inundation for particular floodplain segments during 1960-2000 was analyzed for the Balchug floodplain area (the Yenisei River).

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=17094022

Interspecific dynamics of accumulation 90Sr by the basic wood breeds of woods of the Mogilev region


Author: Mironchik A. F.1

Reference: Bulletin of the Belorussian-Russian University

ISSN: 2077-8481

DOI: 502.3(476)

Keywords: 90sr, plant, tree

Abstract: Specific dependence of distribution 90Sr on bodies of plants of the basic wood breeds of woods of the Mogilev region is determined.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=17306999

Comparative analyses of radionuclides content in chernozem in different types of lands

Author: Aparin B. F., Efremova M. A., Mingareeva E. V., Sukhacheva E. U.

Reference: Bulletin of St. Petersbourg University series: biology, 2012

ISSN: 1025-8604

DOI:  631.4


Abstract: The article provides the results of a comparative analysis of radionuclides (226Ra, 232Th, 40K, 137Cs). It reveals the consistent patterns of their activity distribution (the content) in the profile of chernozems exploiting in agriculture and their analogues under forest (field-protective forest) and old idle land. The soil samples were selected in Volgograd, Rostov and Orenburg regions and Republic of Bashkortostan.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=17395504


Author: Miroshnikov A. Yu.

Reference: Gazette “ГЕОЭКОЛОГИЯ, ИНЖЕНЕРНАЯ ГЕОЛОГИЯ, ГИДРОГЕОЛОГИЯ, ГЕОКРИОЛОГИЯ“ (Geoecology, engineering geology, hydrogeology, geocryology), 2012

ISSN: 0869-7803

DOI: 556.545

Keywords: sea, 137cs, bottom sediments, river, cesium, transfer

Abstract: The article presents the results of radiogeochemical studies carried out by IGEM RAS in the Kara Sea and the estuaries of Ob and Enisey rivers in 1995-2003, specifically on Akademik Boris Petrov research vessel. Based on the studies of circa 1500 samples of bottom sediments, obtained from 172 sea and rivers stations, 137Cs distribution map in the surface sediments was created. Four zones of radiocesium overactivity (> 15 Bk/kg) were identified: Novaya Zemlya Zone, Vaigach Zone, Ob Zone and Yenisei Zone. The allocated zones have different radiocesium concentration levels, as well as different infl ow sources, but all of them were generated under the influence of complex geochemical barriers. Based on the 47 sectioned cores of bottom sediments research, sampled in Ob Zone and Yenisei Zone overactivity zones, the distinct differences in vertical radiocesium distribution were identifi ed. It is evidenced that these differences are caused by oscillations of suspended silt discharge over the years, which are main transfer agents of radiocesium dissolvable and semi-dissolvable forms and doesn’t depend on sedimentation circumstances as well as on geochemical characteristics of depositing environment.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=18152407

Landscape-geochemical indicators of contamination of ecosystems in the delta of the northern rivers


Author: Korobova E.M., Ukraintseva H.G., Surkov V.V., Dombrovskaya E.A.

Reference: Gazette “КРИОСФЕРА ЗЕМЛИ“ (cryosphere of Earth),

ISSN: 1560-7496

DOI:504.054: 550.424.6 (551.464.679)

Keywords: river Yenisei, river Pechora, radionuclides, transfer, soil

Abstract: Observes anthropogenic contamination of rivers Yenisei and Pechora. Contamination by radionuclides and heavy metals in the soil of delta sectors is assessed. 137Cs in Pechora river. River transfers cesium. Concentration of radionuclides in Yenisei.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=17097580

Estimation of the levels of plutonium isotopes in soil and bed deposits during environmental radiological monitoring


Author: Shatokhin AM, Loginov AA, Umniashova EE, Krasotkin VA.

Reference: Gazette “ГИГИЕНА И САНИТАРИЯ“ (Hygiene and sanitary), 2003

ISSN: 0016-9900         

DOI:  614.77:615.849.2:546.799.4]-073.584

Keywords: plutonium, 238pu, 239pu, 240pu, 242pu, isotopes, soil

Abstract: The paper deals with the development of a highly sensitive method for determining plutonium isotopes (238Pu, 239Pu + 240Pu, 242Pu) in the solid samples of environmental objects with preliminary radiochemical preparation. The chosen conditions for preparation of samples permit effective separation of plutonium from mixing alpha-radiating radionuclides and allow plutonium to release in the radiochemically pure form to a sample to be calculated. Spectrometric measurements of the calculated samples and identification of isotopes were made on a “Progress-alpha” alpha-spectrometric unit having a silicon semiconductor detector. The developed procedure is rather reliable in identifying and estimating the content of major plutonium isotopes in the soil and bed deposits at their background values (1 Bc/kg or higher). The paper presents the results of analysis of samples of the soil selected during radioecological monitoring in the South-Western Okrug of Moscow, as well as the alpha-spectra obtained.

URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12680108
