

Author: ABEL Albert E.

Reference: Patent of invention issued by KOMMODORE LAB INKORPOREJTED [US], 1995



Keywords: plutonium, uranium, decontamination

Abstract: Soil decontamination. SUBSTANCE: soils containing sand and clay contaminated with nuclear wastes, elementary mercury, or mixed wastes including harmful organic compounds are decontaminated by treating them with water-free liquid ammonia or ammonia combined with solvated electrons. Methods include concentration of radionuclides such as plutonium and uranium in soil and clay corpuscles to obtain residual product that does not practically contain pollutants thereby enabling soil recultivation. Ammonia liquids such as water-free liquid ammonia facilitate decontamination due to reducing soil to fragments (corpuscles) to obtain finely dispersed substances wherefrom mercury droplets are extracted. High density of mercury makes it possible for soil particulates to settle down and mercury is separated from soil particles. EFFECT: reduced space requirement and expenses for contaminated soil storage. 37 cl, 3 dwg

URL: (full content of the patent)


Radioactive contamination of Eastern Belgorod region, the most affected region by Chernobyl accident


Author: Vit’kov V.I., Kobalenko G.D., Kungurtsev S.A., Chekanov N.A.

Reference: Gazette “ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ СИСТЕМЫ И ПРИБОРЫ” (ecological systems and devices), 2010

ISSN: 2072-9952


Keywords: Belgorod region, radioactive contamination, the Chernobyl accident, radionuclide activity, diffusion of cesium-137

Abstract: Investigation of changes of soil contamination, according to time, of the Belgorod region contaminated by radionuclide emissions of Chernobyl. The average velocity distribution of the radionuclide cesium-137 into the soil was found to be 3 mm / year. It is shown that over time, the radiation situation in the most contaminated after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is gradually stabilizing.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=13001569

Formation of radioactive contamination of the environment and especially its radionuclide content after nuclear explosions and the Chernobyl accident

Title: Formation of radioactive contamination of the environment and especially its radionuclide content after nuclear explosions and the Chernobyl accident

Author: Stukin, Evgeny Danilovich

Reference: Moscow, 2001

Keywords: radionuclides, Agrometeorology

Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is direct synthesis and making sense of experimental data on radionuclide composition of the radioactive contamination of the atmosphere, land surface and geological structures, obtained in the last 40 years after major accidents and nuclear explosions in the atmosphere, on land and under the ground.


Environmental assessment methods for the production of forest crops and the development process of their creation for contaminated areas.

Title: Environmental assessment methods for the production of forest crops and the development process of their creation for contaminated areas.

Author: Yuriy Nikolayevich Polyakov

Reference: Bryansk, 1996

Keywords: forest plantations, floristic composition, ground cover, shrubs

Abstract: The aim of this work was in the process of scientific justification of the process of creating forest plantations and the development of technological options for greening their production at radioactively contaminated territories.


Methodological principles for the establishment of a regional system for the environmental monitoring of radiation-affected territories of Bryansk’s Polesia and the population being affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Title: Methodological principles for the establishment of a regional system for the environmental monitoring of radiation-affected territories of Bryansk’s Polesia and the population being affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Author: Tcelousov Anatoli Gennadyevich

Reference: Bryansk, 1997

Keywords: radiation-ecological monitoring, Polessie/ Polesia, Bryansk

Abstract: [Findings; 1. Formation of external and internal doses of exposure of the citizens living in the contaminated areas is dependent on radio-ecological characteristics of places of settlement.
2. External radiation dose depends on length of stay and mode of behavior in the contaminated areas. One of the critical population groups that is exposed to a greatest external radiation, are people working in the open air, especially forestry workers, who live in wooden houses…]


Interference of soil and radioactivity in Polesia ecosystems and in Opolye (natural area) of south east Russia

Title: Interference of soil and radioactivity in Polesia ecosystems and in Opolye (natural area) of south east Russia

Author: Prosyannikov Evgeny

Reference: Moscow,1995

Keywords: ecosystem, Polesia, soil, biota, Opolye

Abstract: The purpose of the study; to research the effect of natural soil and various agroecosystems of Polesia and Opolye (natural land) on the behavior of radionuclides, and the impact of anthropogenic factors on the living stage of soil for the characterization of the conditions of human life.


The spatial variability of Chernobyl-derived 137Cs inventories in a small agricultural drainage basin in central Russia

Title: The spatial variability of  Chernobyl-derived 137Cs inventories in a small agricultural drainage basin in central Russia

Author: V.N. Golosov, D.E. Walling, A.V. Panin, E.D. Stukin, E.V. Kvasnikova, N.N. Ivanova

Reference: Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 51, Issue 3, September 1999, Pages 341-352

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0969-8043(99)00050-0

Keywords: Chernobyl; Radionuclides; Fallout; Caesium-137; Post-fallout redistribution

Abstract: Little information currently exists regarding the small-scale spatial variability of Chernobyl radiocaesium fallout and associated inventories. This contribution reports the results of a study of the variability of inventories within the 2.18-km2 Lapki balka catchment located near Tula in central Russia. The local area was characterized by inventories in excess of 200 kBq m−2 immediately after the Chernobyl accident and pre-existing bomb-derived inventories can be ignored in view of their very low magnitude. Field sampling and measurements included both collection of soil cores for subsequent laboratory analysis and in situ field measurements using a CORAD portable detector. The results obtained show evidence of a systematic south–north increase in the reference inventory across the basin, which must be taken into account when interpreting subsequent radiocaesium redistribution within the basin. Random spatial variability of inventories of a similar magnitude to that reported for bomb-derived fallout was also documented. The extent of random spatial variability varied between different geomorphological units. Maximum variability, with coefficients of variation up to 20%,was associated with areas of sediment accumulation within the balka bottoms. Substantial variability (cv. typically ca. 15%) was found within flat cultivated areas and undisturbed areas both on the interfluves and on the balka sides, all of which could serve as reference sites. Minimum variability (cv. typically ca. 12%) was associated with the cultivated slopes with no evidence of sediment accumulation.

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0969804399000500

Development of requirements for environmental specimen banking in ecological monitoring (exemplified by the Chernobyl NPP accident area)

Title: Development of requirements for environmental specimen banking in ecological monitoring (exemplified by the Chernobyl NPP accident area)

Author: V.A. Borzilov

Reference: Science of The Total Environment, Volumes 139–140, 1 November 1993, Pages 197-201

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0048-9697(93)90019-3

Keywords: data bank; accident area; Chernobyl NPP; ecological monitoring

Abstract: Development of requirements for a data bank for natural media as a system of intercorrelated parameters to estimate system states are determined. The problems of functional agreement between experimental and calculation methods are analysed when organizing the ecological monitoring. The methods of forming the environmental specimen bank to estimate and forecast radioactive contamination and exposure dose are considered to be exemplified by the peculiarities of the spatial distribution of radioactive contamination in fields. Analysed is the temporal dynamics of contamination for atmospheric air, soil and water.

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0048969793900193

Radiological effects on populations of Oligochaeta in the Chernobyl contaminated zone

Title: Radiological effects on populations of Oligochaeta in the Chernobyl contaminated zone

Author: V.G. Tsytsugina, G.G. Polikarpov

Reference: Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 66, Issues 1–2, 2003, Pages 141-154

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0265-931X(02)00120-0

Keywords: Oligochaeta; The Chernobyl NPP accident; Reproduction; Chromosome aberrations

Abstract: A detailed investigation of 3 populations of Oligochaete species (Dero obtusa, Nais pseudobtusa and Nais pardalis) has been carried out in a contaminated lake of the close-in Chernobyl zone and in a control lake. Hydrochemical indices and concentrations of heavy metals, chloro-organic compounds and 90Sr in bottom sediments have been measured. Absorbed doses were calculated on the basis of the results of radiochemical analysis and assessed directly with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD). Stimulation of paratomous division (asexual reproduction) was found in one species of worm (D. obtusa), and activation of sexual reproduction in the two other species studied. An increase in the amount of cytogenetic damage in the somatic cells of worms from the contaminated lake was found and an attempt was made to assess the relative contributions of radiation and chemical exposure on the basis of analyses of inter-cellular aberration distributions and the types of chromosome aberrations observed in the cells.

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0265931X02001200

The role of soil erosion and fluvial processes in the post-fallout redistribution of Chernobyl-derived caesium-137: a case study of the Lapki catchment, Central Russia

Title: The role of soil erosion and fluvial processes in the post-fallout redistribution of Chernobyl-derived caesium-137: a case study of the Lapki catchment, Central Russia

Author: A.V Panin, D.E Walling, V.N Golosov

Reference: Geomorphology, Volume 40, Issues 3–4, October 2001, Pages 185-204

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0169-555X(01)00043-5

Keywords: Chernobyl; Caesium-137; Redistribution; Fluvial processes; Sediment; Soil erosion; Deposition

Abstract: The central area of the Russian Plain received substantial amounts Cs-137 fallout as a result of the Chernobyl accident in 1986, with inventories exceeding 40 kBq m−2 in many of the areas close to Chernobyl. Concern over the longer-term fate of this contamination has focused attention on the need to predict the post-fallout redistribution of the radiocaesium and, thus, future changes in the spatial distribution of contamination in the landscape. Since radiocaesium reaching the land surface as fallout is rapidly and strongly adsorbed by soil and sediment particles, any attempt to predict its post-fallout redistribution must focus on erosion and sediment delivery processes and must rely heavily on a knowledge of the geomorphological processes involved. This paper reports a detailed investigation of post-fallout Cs-137 redistribution in the 2.18-km2 Lapki catchment in the Middle-Russian Upland, which has required consideration of soil erosion processes, sediment delivery pathways, sediment delivery ratios and sediment sinks. The time elapsed since the Chernobyl accident is currently insufficient to result in significant reduction of Cs-137 inventories in eroding areas, but areas of deposition on both the lower slopes and on the balka sides and bottoms are already marked by significant increases in Cs-137 inventories. The results obtained emphasise that any attempt to develop meaningful predictions of the longer-term redistribution of Chernobyl-derived Cs-137 fallout within the Russian Plain must be based on a sound and detailed understanding of the linkage between the slopes and the balka systems and the fate of sediment entering the balka systems.

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169555X01000435
