

Formation patterns of cytogenetic effects of low-dose ionizing radiation

Author: Geras’kin, Stanislav A.

Reference: Obninsk, 1998

Keywords: Radiobiology, plants

Abstract: Identifying formation patterns of cytogenetic effects of low-dose ionizing radiation. The following is taken into account: Formation and establishment of concept of biological activities of low-dose radiation on the cell. 2. Study of patterns of induction of low-dose ionizing radiation and cytogenetic damage in the root meristem of irradiated seeds and seedlings, as well as in leaf intercalary meristem of crop plants. 3. Study of formation of cytogenetic effects in terms of combined effect of low-dose ionizing radiation and low-level concentrations of mutagens of chemical nature (heavy metals). 4. Cytogenetic study of effects of the Chernobyl accident on the example of plant components of agricultural ecosystems.

URL: http://earthpapers.net/zakonomernosti-formirovaniya-tsitogeneticheskih-effektov-malyh-doz-ioniziruyuschego-izlucheniya

Monitoring methodology of carcinogenic effects of exposure to radiation (environmental) factors on the population

Keywords: Radiobiology, monitoring, oncological pathology

Abstract: The aim is to develop and test methodology for monitoring cancer incidence (mortality) to identify possible carcinogenic effects of radiation (environmental) factors on health of the population on thebases of the current Russian system of registration of cancer and demographic processes.


Hemato-immunological status of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, living in an eco-critical region of Donbass- method for correcting violation

Reference: Abstract, Moscow, 1998 WAC 03.00.01

Keywords: Radiobiology

Abstract: purpose of research: to investigate the hemato-immunological status of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, residing in eco-critical Donbass region and to develop methods for adequate correction. 1. To study, applying results of experiments on animals (white mongrel rats), the effect of low-intensity non-lethal radiation on the blood system and the possibility of its correction. 2. To study the dynamics of the immune system and the peripheral blood of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, working in the mining industry of the Donbass. 3. To study the hemato-immunological status of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, residing in the Donetsk region who do not work in the mining industry. 4. To study features of the hemato-immunological status of the conditionally healthy population of Donbass. To investigate the effectiveness recovery of the hemato-immunological status, by means of detoxification and immune-correction, of the liquidators and residents of eco-critical regions of Donbass and Donetsk.

URL: http://earthpapers.net/gemato-immunologicheskiy-status-likvidatorov-posledstviy-avarii-na-chernobylskoy-aes-prozhivayuschih-v-ekokrizisnom-regio
