

Medical consequences of the Chernobyl accident: prognosis and actual data of the National Registry

Reference: Радиация и риск (Radiation and risk (Bulletin of the National Radiation and Epidemiological Registry)), 2002 Release Number: 13

Keywords: National Register, Bryansk Region., thyroid cancer, leukemia

Abstract: This paper presents basic data of a large-scale epidemiological studies of radiation in Russia after the Chernobyl accident. Prognosis is given on remote effects of radiation calculated on the bases of models provided by ICRP and existing demographic and dosimetric data. Factual data provided by the National Registry confirm radiation risks for leukemia among liquidators and thyroid cancer among children, resulting from the Chernobyl disaster, among the population of the Bryansk region.

URL:  http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/meditsinskie-posledstviya-avarii-na-chaes-prognoz-i-fakticheskie-dannye-natsionalnogo-registra

Distant radiological consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear accident for the population of the Bryansk region: solid cancers

Title: Distant radiological consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear accident for the population of the Bryansk region: solid cancers

Author: Ivanov V.K., Drynova N.N., Vlasov O.K., Schukina N.V., Efendiev V.A.

Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2008、vol.17,No.4

Keywords: attributive risk, solid cancers, the population of the Bryansk region

Abstract: Prognosis of induction of radiation related solid cancers in population of the Bryansk oblast was made with the use of UNSCEAR model. It was found that the increase in the rate of all solid cancers could be up to 3 %. Calculated and actual data of the National Radiation and Epidemiological Registry were in good agreement. The contribution of radiation to increase of the rate of breast cancer in young women can be up to 10 %.

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/otdalennye-radiologicheskie-posledstviya-avarii-na-chernobylskoy-aes-dlya-naseleniya-bryanskoy-oblasti-solidnye-raki


Echo of Chernobyl: Thyroid cancer

Reference: 25 April, 2010

Keywords: registry of the Russian government

Abstract: The echo of the Chernobyl, after 20 years, disaster resulted in a dramatic increase of thyroid cancer. For the inhabitants of Byansk, Tuly, Kaluzh and Orlov regions, the Russian government provides special Chernobyl registry: they can take interview of the thyroid gland.

URL: http://www.1tv.ru/prj/zdorovie/vypusk/4202

Middle dose of exposure on the thyroid gland in people, of different ages, who lived in Bryansk, Tul’sk, Orlovsk and Kaluzhsk regions, in 1986, which were contaminated due to the Chernobyl accident

Reference: «Радиация и риск» (Radiation and Risk), 2002

Keywords: Bryansk, Tul’sk, Kaluzhsk, Orlovsk, different ages

URL: http://www.nrer.ru/radrisk_2001.html
