

Oncoepidemiologic situation on the territory of the Kaluga region 10 years after the Chernobyl accident

Title: Oncoepidemiologic situation on the territory of the Kaluga region 10 years after the Chernobyl accident
Author: Ivanov V.K., Nilova E.V., Efendiev V.A.*, Gorsky A.I., Pitkevich V.A., Leshakov S.Y.*, Shiryaev V.I.
Reference:”Questions of oncology”1997 vol.43, No.2
Abstract: Medical Radiological Research Centre of RAMS, Obninsk; * – Department of Health, Administration of Kaluga Region, Kaluga Cancer morbidity and mortality has been studied in the contaminated areas of the Kaluga region. The objective of the study was to evaluate to what extent the radiation factor has influenced the existing levels of cancer morbidity and mortality. Analysis was performed of standardized ratios of cancer incidence and mortality and corresponding population risks. The conclusion based on the analysis suggests that the current incidence rates of malignant neoplasms in the population of the studied areas affected by the Chernobyl accident were formed under the influence of a number of factors which showed themselves before the accident. Of particular concern are the trends noticed in oncoepidemiologic processes in the Uly-anovsky district of the region. Thus far no statistically reliable effect of the radiation factor on cancer incidence (except thyroid cancer in the female population of the contaminated areas) has been detected. The cancer morbidity and mortality in the contaminated areas are largely in agreement with the general indicators throughout the region. By and large the drawn conclusion is consistent with data of the world practice on latent periods in inducing radiogenic cancers and extent of biological effects for the irradiation levels to which the population on the contaminated areas is exposed.
URL: http://refereed.ru/ref_810b5710d655a3c837fb6cf8d098fe88.html

Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of diseases of the circulatory system among liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the remote period, and ways to optimize treatment and prevention thereof

Author: Shunkov, Viktor Borisovich.

Reference:Dissert. Candidate. Med. Sci., St. Petersburg, 2006.

Abstract: Our aim is to implement a comprehensive clinical and epidemiological assessment of diseases of the circulatory systems among the Chernobyl liquidators in the remote period after the accident, and to design recommendations for optimizing therapeutic and preventive aid for the patiets.

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/kliniko-epidemiologicheskaya-kharakteristika-boleznei-sistemy-kroobrashcheniya-u-likvidatoro


Incidence among the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident and assessment of their fitness to serve in the Armed Forces

Author: Sitnikov, Sergey Grigorevich

Reference: dissert. Cand. Med. Sci. St. Petersburg. 2002

Keywords: liquidators, incidence

URL: http://leb.nlr.ru/edoc/119241/Заболеваемость-участников-ликвидации-последствий-аварии-на-ЧАЭС-и-оценка-их-годности-к-службе-в-Вооруженных-силах

CONCLUSION Russian Scientific Commission on Radiological Protection, in the report “The incidence of thyroid cancer in Russia after the Chernobyl accident: estimation of radiation risks according to the National Radiation and Epidemiological Registry”

Author: S.Yu. Chekin

Reference: “РАДИАЦИЯ И РИСК”, 2010

Keywords: incidence, National Radiation and Epidemiological Registry

Abstract: In the Bryansk, Kaluzhsk, Orlovsk and Tul’sk regions, with the highest level of contamination, significant increase is detected in the incidence of thyroid cancer, in comparison to the data of Russia as a whole. During the whole examined period (1981-2008), the incidence showed increase. Various methods of statistic polishing of accumulated data show significant radiation risk for thyroid cancer, resulting from incorporated iodine 131.

URL: http://www.nrer.ru/RNKRZ_2010_3_1.html

Peak of incidences of thyroid cancer will last at least 10 years

Author: Yurii Lazarevich

Reference: Завтра твоей страны (tomorrow of your country), 17.06.2009

Keywords: increase of incidence, Belorussia

Abstract: With 23 years passing since the Chernobyl accident, incidence of thyroid cnacer in adults in Gomel has increased 10.9 times. Last year the rate of incidence saw its pinnacle (21.7/100000 p.). Medicists Physicians say the peak of the incidence, in Belorussia, will probably last for decades.

URL: http://www.zautra.by/art.php?sn_nid=4396&sn_cat=20
