

Problems of Radioecology in forest. Forest. People. Chernobyl.

Title: Problems of Radioecology in forest. Forest. People. Chernobyl.

Author: V. A. Ipat’ev, E. F. Konoplya, V. F. Baginsky, B. I. Yakushev, I. I. Maradulin

Reference: Gomel, 2004


Keywords: forest ecology, soil decontamination, forestry, forest fires, Belorussia, Baltic countries, ground contamination

Abstract: Problems of safety system. Rehabilitation of forest land contaminated with radionuclides. Forest fires in contaminated areas: prevention, eradication and consequences. Management activities in contaminated areas. Monitoring, forecast and radiation monitoring of forest products. Reports from parliamentary assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia.

URL: http://catalog.belal.by/cgi-bin/irbis64r_01/cgiirbis_64.exe?LNG=&C21COM=S&I21DBN=BELAL&P21DBN=BELAL&S21FMT=briefwebr&S21ALL=(%3C.%3EK%3D%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%8B%D0%BB%D1%8C%3C.%3E)&Z21ID=&S21SRW=TIPVID&S21SRD=DOWN&S21STN=1&S21REF=5&S21CNR=20

Russian: Проблемы радиоэкологии леса. Лес. Человек. Чернобыль: Ипатьев В.А., Конопля Е.Ф., Багинский В.Ф., Якушев Б.И., Марадулин И.И. …
