

Psychology of children mythology and folklore: Based on the material of children and adolescents research in the Resp. of Belarus in post-catastrophe situation

Title: Psychology of children mythology and folklore: Based on the material of children and adolescents research in the Resp. of Belarus in post-catastrophe situation

Author: Hazey, Svetlana Anatolyevna

Reference: Moscow, 1998

Keywords: Educational psychology, children, mythology, folklore, teens, Belarus

Abstract: The aim of this research;To identify the psychological characteristics of existence of mythology, folklore, through the analysis of true stories, horror stories, magic, games, as well as compositions, paintings in the subculture of children and adolescents aged 7-15 years in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.


Architectural principles of building design of services of social and psychological care for children: for radiation-contaminated areas

Title: Architectural principles of building design of services of social and psychological care for children: for radiation-contaminated areas

Author: Burykina, Galina Dmitrievna

Reference: Moscow, 1999

Keywords: social and psychological assistance, architecture, building design, children

Abstract: The aim of the dissertation is to reduce the negative social and psychological consequences of the Chernobyl accident for children by creating a favorable architectural environment in the buildings of social and psychological assistance.



Effectiveness of children and adolescents’ rehabilitation from environmentally disadvantaged areas of the Voronezh region, under a local sanatorium terms.

Title: Effectiveness of children and adolescents’ rehabilitation from environmentally disadvantaged areas of the Voronezh region, under a local sanatorium terms.

Author: Aphanasenko, Lyudmila Kuzminichna

Reference: Voronezh, 2006

Keywords: rehabilitation, screening, children, adolescents, sanatorium treatment, morbidity, immune system, Voronezh Region

Abstract: Research aim: to improve the rehabilitation activities of children and adolescents who live in the Voronezh region with preferential socio-economic status under a local sanatorium terms.


Theory and practice of psychological and educational assistance to children and adolescents in post catastrophic terms.

Title: Theory and practice of psychological and educational assistance to children and adolescents in post catastrophic terms.

Author: Tkachenko, Alexey Stefanovich

Reference: Bryansk, 1997

Keywords: psycho-pedagogical assistance, children, adolescents, post catastrophic terms

Abstract: The purpose of the study – to develop a scientific basis of psychological and educational assistance to children and adolescents in post catastrophic conditions following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.


Features of physical development and functional state of the child and adolescent population of Bryansk region in areas with abrupt changes in ecosystem composition of the environment

Title: Features of physical development and functional state of the child and adolescent population of Bryansk region in areas with abrupt changes in ecosystem composition of the environment

Author: Korsakov Anton Vyacheslavovich

Reference: Bryansk, 2006

Keywords: Bryansk region, population, physical development, functional status, child population, adolescent population

Abstract: The purpose of the study – to study the effect of the emergency radioactive, man-made (technogenic) toxic-chemical and combined radiation-toxic pollution of the environment on physical development and functional state of Bryansk region’s child and adolescent population.


Dynamics of cytogenetic damage in children and adolescents living in the contaminated areas after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Author: V.V. Tsepenko

Reference: Dissertation, candidate of biology, Obninsk, 2004

Keywords: chromosome aberrations, children, adolescents, frequency


1.1.              Spontaneous level of chromosome aberrations in the culture of human lymphocytes. 1.1.1. The frequency of unstable chromosome aberrations in the controlled groups of children and adolescents. 1.1.2. The frequency of stable chromosome aberrations in the controlled groups of children and adolescents.

1.2.             The frequency of chromosome aberrations in children and adolescents living in the contaminated areas. 1.2.1. The frequency of unstable chromosome aberrations. 1.2.2. The frequency of stable chromosome aberrations.

1.3.             The frequency of stable and unstable chromosome aberrations in prenatally exposed children.

1.4.             The frequency of chromosome aberrations in children and adolescents with a high dose of load and pathologies of the thyroid gland, living in the contaminated areas and exposed to iodine exposure as a result of the Chernobyl accident.

1.5.             Multiaberrant cells. …

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/dinamika-tsitogeneticheskikh-narushenii-u-detei-i-podrostkov-prozhivayushchikh-na-zagryaznen

Pathomorphological and immunohistochemical study of thyroid tumors in children in ecological situations of Kuzbass


Author: N.E. Verzhbitskaya

Reference: Dissertation, candidate of medical sciences, Novosibirsk, 2006

Keywords: children, ecological background,

Abstract: Currently, thyroid cancer in children due to the unfavorable ecological situation, the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Tomsk region, the tests at the Semipalatinsk test site, has grown considerably in number. O.K. Khmelnitsky et al. (2000) states on the etiology of thyroid disease: “Not even one discipline of endocrine pathology is related to the environment as closely as to thyroid disease, because the structure and function of the thyroid gland is closely associated with the receipt of iodine and other trace elements from putside. In this regard, thyroid disease can be rightfully considered as a marker of ecological trouble. ” In the group of children and adolescents, thyroid cancer is the most common tumor of the endocrine system. This disease, which occurs much less frequently than in adults, amounts, however, up to 8-15% of malignant solid tumors of the head and neck in children. …

The purpose of the study : To study the structure and pathomorphological features of thyroid cancer in children in Kuzbass and, on this basis, to develop the complex of measures of organization of cancer monitoring, and to improve the results of the differential diagnosis of benign thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer in children.

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/patomorfologicheskoe-i-immunogistokhimicheskoe-issledovanie-opukholei-shchitovidnoi-zhelezy-

Efficiency of radio-iodine-therapy for patients suffering from thyroid cancer with metastases to the lungs and mediastinum

Author: N.V. Podolkhova

Reference: Dissertation, candidate of medical sciences, Obninsk, 2007

Keywords: oncologic disease

Abstract: For people affected by the accident of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, living in areas where there were no large-scale dosimetry studies, link of the growth of cancer of the thyroid gland to radiation must be set by the presence of characteristic features described by ourselves: Increase of incidence among children and adults after the completion of the minimum latency (~ 5-6 years), aggression of tendency of childhood cancers, the lack of growth in oncologic diseases of thyroid in children born after the collapse of iodine radionuclides (1987 and later) …

URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/effektivnost-radioidoterapii-u-bolnykh-rakom-shchitovidnoi-zhelezy-s-metastazami-v-legkie-i-

Comparative assessment of indicators of overall level and patterns of disease with cytogenetic indices in children and adolescents living in the contaminated areas of the Kaluga Region after the accident of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Author: N.O. Omapaskhabov

Reference: Dissertation, 2007

Keywords: demography, somatic abnormalities, digestive system

Abstract: For the first time, a comprehensive comparative evaluation is carried out of the dynamics of demographic indicators, indicators of the overall level and structure of newly diagnosed disease, as well as cytogenetic indices in child population living for 20 years in the contaminated areas following the accident of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Implements, in the initial -“iodine”- period of the Chernobyl accident, direct measurements of absorbed doses of the thyroid gland (TG) in children of Zhizdra area, allowing, for the first time, to evaluate the observed functional changes in the thyroid depending on the individual doses of incorporated radionuclides of iodine. Determines the role of cytogenetic damage in the development of somatic abnormalities in children with elevated levels of chromosomal aberrations. Especially in prenatally irradiated cases, morphological and functional changes in the thyroid gland diseases in the respiratory and digestive system, are more often encountered. The results obtained in general: Materials of the research formed the basis for the planning of socio-economic measures and medical administration of the Kaluga region in the contaminated areas after the Chernobyl accident …

URL: http://www.dslib.net/radio-bio/sravnitelnaja-ocenka-pokazatelej-obwego-urovnja-i-struktury-zabolevaemosti-s.html

Features of health of children from areas with ecological trouble

Author: L.A. Sheplyagina

Reference: Dissertation, 1995

Keywords: health problems, irrational economic and domestic activities

Abstract: Recent years have been characterized by negative tendencies in the health of children: there is steady increase in disease, especially in its chronic form … Among the many factors, affecting the health of the younger generation, are those inducing tense environmental conditions in many regions of Russia. As a result of many years of irrational economic and domestic activities in, nature have accumulated hundreds of harmful substances …. Health problems, associated with industrial pollution, deepened by the Chernobyl accident, is seen as results of radio-contamination in 17 regions of Russia.

URL   http://inim-rao.ru/mode.7635-item.83342-type.html
