
タグ「Cohort effect」

Incidence of thyroid cancer in adults recorded by French cancer registries (1978–1997)


Title: Incidence of thyroid cancer in adults recorded by French cancer registries (1978–1997)
Author: Colonna, M / Grosclaude, P / Remontet, L / Schvartz, C / Mace-Lesech, J / Velten, M / Guizard, A.V / (…) / Esteve, J

Reference: European Journal of Cancer, 38 (13), p.1762-1768, Sep 2002

doi: 10.1016/S0959-8049(02)00110-7

Keywords: Thyroid cancer; Incidence; Time trends; Cohort effectコホ

Abstract: …increase in the past in thyroid cancer. We can see this increase…attributed to a possible “Chernobyl effect”. Geographical…interpreting these results. Cancer registration may be…the thoroughness of the thyroid cancer registration…

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959804902001107
