

Analysis of radionuclide wash-off from river basins

Title: Analysis of radionuclide wash-off from river basins

Author: Andreev I.I., Laikin A.I., Platovskikh Y.A.

Reference: Atomic Energy. 110(3), 2011:195-202.

ISSN: 0004-7163

Keywords: river, basin, decontamination, radionuclide migration

Abstract: Introduces the concept of the transfer of exchangeable and non-exchangeable forms of radionuclides into the basin and into the river. On this basis it proposes differential transport equation, allowing to find radionuclides in the soil and their entry into the river at uneven pollution of the basin. Based on measurement data, it determines time dependence of constant flushing of radionuclides.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=16369187

Method for Removing Radionuclides from Soils, Patent RU 2388084 (2008)

Title: Method for Removing Radionuclides from Soils, Patent RU 2388084 (2008)

Author: Dmitriev S.A., Barinov A.S., Kuptsov V.M.

Reference: State Unitary Enterprise MosNPO Radon, 2010

Keywords: patent, decontamination, sandy soils, radionuclides

Abstract: The possibilities of reagent treatment of the finely dispersed (

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=18536553

URL: http://www.findpatent.ru/patent/238/2388085.html (patent)

Problems of Radioecology in forest. Forest. People. Chernobyl.

Title: Problems of Radioecology in forest. Forest. People. Chernobyl.

Author: V. A. Ipat’ev, E. F. Konoplya, V. F. Baginsky, B. I. Yakushev, I. I. Maradulin

Reference: Gomel, 2004


Keywords: forest ecology, soil decontamination, forestry, forest fires, Belorussia, Baltic countries, ground contamination

Abstract: Problems of safety system. Rehabilitation of forest land contaminated with radionuclides. Forest fires in contaminated areas: prevention, eradication and consequences. Management activities in contaminated areas. Monitoring, forecast and radiation monitoring of forest products. Reports from parliamentary assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia.

URL: http://catalog.belal.by/cgi-bin/irbis64r_01/cgiirbis_64.exe?LNG=&C21COM=S&I21DBN=BELAL&P21DBN=BELAL&S21FMT=briefwebr&S21ALL=(%3C.%3EK%3D%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%8B%D0%BB%D1%8C%3C.%3E)&Z21ID=&S21SRW=TIPVID&S21SRD=DOWN&S21STN=1&S21REF=5&S21CNR=20

Russian: Проблемы радиоэкологии леса. Лес. Человек. Чернобыль: Ипатьев В.А., Конопля Е.Ф., Багинский В.Ф., Якушев Б.И., Марадулин И.И. …

Dosimetric and radiometric instruments and measurement

Author: V. F. Afseenko

Reference: Urozhai, Kiev, 1990


Keywords: decontamination of water and food.

Abstract: The book deals with decontamination of water and food from radiation, as well as methods of counting of radiation. 

URL: http://pripyat-city.ru/books/116-dozimetricheskie-pribory.html

Russian: Дозиметрические и радиометрические приборы и измерения: Авсеенко В. Ф

Title: Decontamination in nuclear energetics


Author: N. I. Ampelogova, Yu. M. Simanovsky, A. A. Trapeznikov

Reference: Energoizdat, 1982


Keywords: contamination, decontamintaion

Abstract:  Soviet and foreign materials on contamination and decontamination of nuclear equipments and facilities. 

URL:  http://mirknig.com/knigi/estesstv_nauki/1181548750-dezaktivaciya-v-yadernoy-energetike.html

Russian:  Дезактивация в ядерной энергетике: Ампелогова Н.И., Симановский Ю.М., Трапезников А.А.


Radioactive contaminations. Decontamination


Title: Radioactive contaminations. Decontamination

Author: Zimon, A.D

Reference: Atomizdat, Moscow (1975)


Keywords: radioactive contamination, decontamination

Abstract:A book widely known on radioactive decontamination translated and published in Russian, Japanese, English and German. The book was first published in 1979.

URL:  http://openlibrary.org/works/OL3069025W/Dezaktivat͡s︡ii͡a︡ (English)
