
タグ「“dose matrix”」

Individual assessment of radiation risks for different scenarios of professional chronic exposure


Title: Individual assessment of radiation risks for different scenarios of professional chronic exposure

Author: Ivanov V.K., Kaydalov O.V., Kascheeva P.V., Korelo A.M., Panfilov A.P., Vasilenko E.K.

Reference: Radiation and Lisk 2008 vol.17 No.2

Abstract: New “dose matrix” approach used for optimization of radiation protection of a personnel is examined. Values of radiation risks calculated for different occupational radiation exposure scenarios are given. Potential enhanced risk group among workers of the Industrial Association Mayak, who are under permanent dosimetry monitoring, is formed on the basis of dosimetric information and existing standards of radiation protection.

Keywords: technological platform of radiation protection,   “dose matrix”,   radiation risk among workers of the Industrial Association Mayak

URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/otsenka-individualnyh-radiatsionnyh-riskov-pri-razlichnyh-stsenariyah-professionalnogo-hronicheskogo-oblucheniya



Individual risk from occupational exposure for nuclear industry workers

Title: Individual risk from occupational exposure for nuclear industry workers

Author: Ivanov V.K., Tsyb A.F., Panfilov A.P., Agapov A.M., Kaydalov O.V., Korelo A.M., Maksyutov M.A., Chekin S.YU., Kascheeva P.V., Saenko A.S.

Reference:Radiation and Lisk 2008 vol.17 No.3

Keywords: individual radiation risk,   “dose matrix”,   nuclear industry workers,   chronic occupational exposure

Abstract: Internationally, the upper limit of acceptable individual risk from occupational exposure for nuclear industry workers is determined by the death probability 10-3 year-1. The same risk value of 10-3 year-1 is established by the Radiation Safety Standards currently in force in Russia. The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation has proposed the formulae for estimating individual risk of developing cancer with allowance for radiation dose, age at exposure, attained age and sex. This methodology is first applied to estimate individual radiation risk for nuclear industry workers (49900 persons) who were monitored for radiation exposure through the use of personal dosimeters. The estimates show that in 2006 the threshold of 10-3 year-1 for individual risk is exceeded for 755 persons, which is 1.6 % of all workers covered by personal dose monitoring. The excess absolute risk (EAR) and attributive risk (AR) were estimated for all cancers, solid cancers and leukemias. The principles for forming potential risk groups are discussed.


URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/otsenka-individualnogo-radiatsionnogo-riska-pri-professionalnom-hronicheskom-obluchenii


