
タグ「object “shelter”」

Brain mapping of quantitative EEG before and after exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation at the Object «Shelter» of the Chernobyl NPP /Abstracts of the 15th World Congress of Psychohysiology «The Olympics of the Brain – IOP2010», Budapest, Aug 30 – Sep 04

Author: Loganovsky K., Perchuk I., Nechayev S.

Reference: International Journal of Psychophysiology. — 2010. — Vol. 77, № 3. — P. 0204.

URL: http://www.deepdyve.com/lp/elsevier/brain-mapping-of-quantitative-eeg-before-and-after-exposure-to-low-FsZXyIfF08

Bioelectrical activity of the brain in personnel during their work on the object “Shelter”

Author: I.V. Perchuk

Reference: Проблеми радіаційної медицини та радіобіології. (Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology), 2010

Abstract: no information on web. For details contact the editor: vkpand@ukr.net

Ukrainian title: Біоелектрична активність головного мозку у персоналу при виконанні робіт на об’єкті «Укриття»

Release of Radioactive Aerosols from the Object “Shelter” during of Strong Winds

Author: Ogorodnikov B. I., Budyka A. K., Pavluchenko N. I.

Reference: Gazette  “РАДИАЦИОННАЯ БИОЛОГИЯ. РАДИОЭКОЛОГИЯ“ (Radiation bioligy, radioecology), 2005

doi: 614. 876:631.039.58

ISSN: 0869-8031

Keywords: radioactive aerosol, release of aerosol, ventilation system

Abstract: Results of measurements of radionuclide and disperse compositions of aerosols in ventilation system “Bypass” of the object “Shelter” of the Chernobyl NPP are presented. The “Bypass” is used for releasing contaminated air from the destroyed reactor of Block-IV to the atmosphere. In aerosols, the experimentally found ratio of 137Cs concentration to the sum of (β-emitting radionuclides more than 1.5 times exceeds the calculated ratio for nu-clear fuel (in December, 2003). Using the data of meteorological station “Chernobyl”, which situated 15 km SE from the Chernobyl NPP, we found that the wind with mean velocity of 4-5 m/sec or more and gusts of 10-11 m/sec led to increasing the aerosol concentration in the Bypass by more than power of magnitude. With the help of filter pack technique sizes of aerosol particles – the carriers of Chernobyl’ s radioactivity – were measured. It was found that the range of activity median aerodynamical diameter (AMAD) is 2-5 microns.

URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=9149817
