

Neurotoxicity of uranium and transuranium elements

Author: Loganovsky K.N., Nechayev S.Yu., Perchuk I.V.

Reference: Український медичний часопис (Ukrainian Medical Magazine) , 2008

Keywords: uranium, transuranium elements, neurotoxicity, radiotoxicity, Shelter Object

Abstract: Physical-chemical properties, prevalence, using, and neuropsychiatric effects of uranium, including depleted uranium, and transuranium elements (mainly, plutonium and americium) are discussed in the article. It is shown the increasing role of these elements in connection with Chernobyl accident and the Shelter Object transformation to an ecologically safety system. In accordance to the recent data on neurotoxicity of uranium it is supposed the same toxicity for the transuranium elements. The neurophysiological examinations of the Shelter Object personnel have revealed the disorders of cerebral bioelectrical activity to be the basis for neuropsychiatric pathology development. Exposure to low and very low doses of ionizing radiation, neurotoxicity of uranium and transuranium elements, stress, as well as other non-radiation industrial hazards were assumed to be proposed as the possible risk factors. The study of biological effects of uranium and transuranium elements are crucial for radiobiology, radiation hygiene and neuropsychiatry. It is necessary to conduct large-scale studies in this field. The Shelter Object transformation to an ecologically safety system is the unique possibility to study of radiotoxical effects of uranium and transuranium elements on the human body. (full text available on web)

URL: http://www.umj.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/archive/64/pdf/31_rus.pdf?upload

From the molecular characterization of iodide transporters to the prevention of radioactive iodide exposure


Title: From the molecular characterization of iodide transporters to the prevention of radioactive iodide exposure

Author: Dayem, M. / Navarro, V. / Marsault, R. / Darcourt, J. / Lindenthal, S. / Pourcher, T.

Reference: Biochimie, 88 (11), p.1793-1806, Nov 2006

doi: 10.1016/j.biochi.2006.07.015

Keywords: Iodide; Thyroid; Transport; Wolff-Chaikoff effect; Radiotoxicology

Abstract: …being the accident at Chernobyl on April 26, 1986. It…core at the time of the Chernobyl explosion (see the UNSCEAR…effect related to the Chernobyl accident was an unusual…in the occurrence of thyroid cancers in children from…

URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0300908406001593
