The toll of Chernobyl – scientific data wanted
Title: The toll of Chernobyl – scientific data wanted
Author: Habeck, Martina
Reference: The Lancet Oncology, 1 (Supplement 1), p.5, May 2000
doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(09)70270-0
Abstract: …Panos Since the Chernobyl disaster 14 years…thousand cases of thyroid cancer have been diagnosed…lymphoma and thyroid cancer among the people…in cleaning up Chernobyl after the disaster…study concerning thyroid cancer in children…
prev:U.S./Belarus/Ukraine joint research on the biomedical effects of the Chernobyl Reactor Accident. Final report
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next:In the shadow of Chernobyl—a report of the first international conference of the European Commission, Belarus, Russian federation and Ukraine on the radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident, 18–22 march 1996, Minsk, Belarus